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Of The Art Forum (and Other Creative Outlets)



Okay, there is a certain topic in the Artwork General forum in which the topic creator decided to promote his artwork with the subtitle stating that the artwork was awesome. This caused everyone and their grandmother to jump down his throat about it.


Now I really hate to make a soapbox. I'm not a good speaker by any great shakes, and I really don't want to mistakenly accuse or offend anyone. And I know the Artwork forum is no more perfect now than it was when I joined. And yet out of all the topics I've seen in my lurkdom, this one just rubbed me wrong more than anything I've encountered here before. Instead of being constructive and friendly, it seemed as though the very first sentence of a majority of the posts was a lecture about how the subtitle was percieved as arrogant and thus, according to several posters, this was not real art. Essentially, the nay-sayers were treating this member with the same arrogance they claimed was turning them off to the drawing itself.


No matter what you consider "art", people are allowed to like their own artwork, whether it's done in MSPaint, pencil, or with a stick in the dirt. And equally, a person's age, level of skill, or media are all ABSOLUTELY VALID reasons for not living up to your personal expectations. One person's stick figure is another person's Michelangelo (to rearrange a phrase).


I'm seeing this bad trend going through the forum. Kindness and helpfulness no longer seem to mean as much to Constructive Criticism as "telling it honestly, even if it's blunt and unfriendly". Now I may be wrong, since I haven't given the forum my full attention in a very long time and thus have viewed very, very few topics in the past year or so. But to me it seems that older and more experienced artists are resentful of younger newcomers who are not familiar with the ropes. These new members post number ratings and sometimes aren't always familiar with the concept of giving a well-rounded review. And yet they will go through the same process of learning that we went through when we were newbies. We all looked up to the artists that were at the top of the game back in the day. A lot of us shaped our own "careers" off those of our heros. And when one of the people that inspired you posts in your topic, giving you advice with kindness and respect... you know how that feels. It's like reaching a new level. And it makes you want to pass it on. In the same manner, these newbies will be inspired by us. They'll learn how to conduct and better themselves from the way we behave. Someday they'll be grown and refined and setting examples for the next generations of artists. So if we're treating them as if they don't know anything, that they don't deserve our respect over utterly miniscule things such as what they think of their own creation, then this awful behavior will carry on a long way down the road, and that is NOTHING to be proud of.


We're all here to improve, and do unto others is the best policy. Less rivalry, more community, okay?


:l: :e: :h: :v: :a: :k: :l: :a: :h:


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I agree. Salvador Dali was undeniably vain, and his art has been respected for years. Some people need to get past a member's actions before they judge the member's art.


- :vahi:

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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


Amen to that. :rolleyes:


Thank Mata Nui someone picked up on that. Its really disgusting how people can act.

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Amen Amen child! Great speech dear! Thats why I try my best to help out and be an inspiration to new artists, not beat their art up.
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I love you so much.


Seriously, though. This is a point I've wanted to make for ages, but have never really gotten around to doing. Mine would prolly have a few staff-based points and be more about both BBC and the Artworks, but otherwise, it's exactly what I'd say. Maybe with a few more 'u's in some words, though.


This sort of elitism ain't cool, folks. Everyone has to start somewhere. My, wouldn't it be something else if a couple years later, we found that there weren't really any new 'top' artists because all the people who could have been them with a little love and attention were scared out of art altogether? Face it, folks: you need the 'noobs' if you want a healthy forum later on.


Anyhow, yep, totally love you for this.

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Back in the day, when I posted an art topic over at BA, I was shocked that about half of the compliments I recieved were simply "KUTGW 10/10" or "DATZ AWSUM!!" After a while, I learned not to be surprised.


BZP does have a young user populace. When I joined BZP, I had turned twelve four months before. This year, I will turn seventeen. Many of the older members I once knew are gone now - for whatever reason - some of them even banned. It has gotten difficult to find new allies and there is always that lurking nostalgia that attacks the back of my brain every time I start a new art topic and someone decides to post a "KUTGW" comment...and then I realize that my old friends aren't there to give thorough reviews to balance things out.


I have made plenty of new friends - that is not the issue. The issue is that BZP is getting younger, percent-wise. If this website lasts a few more years, there will be young kids here who were born after I first joined this place.


The title of "noob," much as oldbies throw it around regarding the seven-year-old critics who decide to throw out number ratings, is really best reserved for those who are capable of writing helpful, detailed reviews and do not. Pre-teen kids won't know how to write a review fit for the New York Times. That's just a fact.


Of course it annoys me when someone feels that they are at the pinnacle of their artistic experience at the age of eight - but most young kids do not have access to large art forums and online galleries of professionals. So I must remember to keep this in mind. :P A lot of older members forget how naïve young kids are.



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As a sworn enemy of elitism and arrogance (despite my own failings in the same area), I applaud this excellent soapbox and its purifying contents. LehvakLah, I'm with you on this. All the way, forever and ever. Amen.



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Oh man do I ever agree.


The truth is, everyone, the truth doesn't have to hurt. If they need some work be SURE to compliment them on what they did right, it's not exactly inspiring to hear "Wow, you suck, haha. Work harder" or the TOTAL FAN FAVOURITE "lol 1/10, needs work" Those don't build people up, they tear them down, and just create a more bitter world one person at a time.


So please, rant on, green girl.


Rant on



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