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Somewhere, Whenua is Weeping

Pahrak Model ZX


Managed to whip up a comedy for the monster contest: AQUA MAGNA ATTACK ON MARENDAR 10.1010 THIS IS (NOT) COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. Figured it was worth a try.


Hm, with the Archives closing down, I guess I should do something about Bioni-Lords Books 1 and 2. It would take way too long to repost them, and they're really not that good anyway--if I were to redo it, I'd like to wipe all the canon and start with a fresh slate, but that'll take way, WAY too long.


So here's what I'm thinking: I'll make a series of blog posts summarizing Books 1 and 2 arc by arc, along with a Bioni-Lords Master Post to hold all those links, plus the websites, plus the Kako link. Also might put up a few important battles as blog posts, like Khadaz vs Union, Khadaz vs the 10th, and the Terminal Trial chapters. Final Stretch is still on these Forums, so I may just skip the summary of Sekai Final arc.


Do you guys have any thoughts on this? Suggestions and whatnot?


In related news, I put a few more Spirits online--another Mega Man Star Force Spirit and some based on characters from a new anime I've started watching/the game it's based on.


The next Kako is fully written, I just need to type it up! I hoped to get it done tonight, but it looks like I'll be busy for a little while, and after that there's an...important event I wish to view (read: Doctor Who special). But I'm off work tomorrow, so it shouldn't be a long wait!


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I don't really care about any of this post other than the first line.


And to that I only have to say:



(Cuz, you know, I am the only other person to have made an entry into comedies.)


But actually, I think that the Bioni-Lords were a cool idea, and if I was actually able to know who characters were and all that, I'd probably read Book 3.

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In all honesty, I want to reread Books 1 and 2.1 because that's how I got so enthralled in Bioni-Lords in the first place. By all means, go ahead with the blog-post idea, but I'd (personally) like to see maybe a website of their own with the whole story of both Books. Or maybe just email me the whole thing and I'll save it on Word, who knows?

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