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Congratulations, Turakii and Lhikan!

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: I've known about you guys dating for a while, though I never knew you guys got engaged. It's totally weird to think about it. I can't remember if Turakii was my age or not. I always assumed you were, so I guess I didn't suspect anything. Then again, a bunch of my friends are getting married. It feels a little weird. It just feels a long way off for me.


I just know I'm definitely not going to meet my future wife over BZPower.


But I'll tell you what, guys. The when I get engaged, I will talk my fiancée (which looks like "fancy" spelled...fancily) into joining BZPower, and making a few posts, and I will buy her a temporary Premier Membership so she can blog about random stuff for several days in a row and officially become a member of the community. Then we can technically be a BZP couple.


Anyway, I bid ye many happy years ahead. Turakii, you were always a good friend (when you were still around). Lhikan...I guess I hardly knew you, but I'm sure you're an awesome guy, and I remember a few cool things about you. Just don't take it the wrong way when I dedicated my Love Story cover to Turakii!




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"I just know I'm definitely not going to meet my future wife over BZPower."



I cannot stop laughing at this statement no matter how hard I try. Nice use of the word "future" by the way. =P (Attention: This is totally an inside joke and is in no way meant to be misconstrued as any form of insult to any BZP couples anywhere. I like the word misconstrude. Kinda reminds me of strussel, which is delicious on pies and other baked goods, but not to be confused with strudel which is a tasty pastry of its own right).


Anyway, I had no idea they got engaged, either! Truly this is an excuse for a party... >=3

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When I meet my future wife and find a life, I'll put so much space between you BZP chumps and me, it will boggle your minds!


It's not an "attitude," it's a fact!


Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

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