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Biggest EVER! - Part 2



Well, it took a bit longer than expected, but... he's here. In short order I have received both of the Transformers labeled "biggest ever" - and this next one has even just released! It came as quite a shock that we'd get anything this big, and I was definitely most pleasantly surprised. Now, here's a lock at the second of Transformers' Titans - Generations Metroplex.


Predictably, he's got a big box:




It's really cool, too. I probably like it more an the SDCC one (which is stupidly large because it houses him inside a second box in the outer box, although the inner one being a hangar is rather cool) because it really conveys that Metroplex is a big guy. And it's also blatantly a toy ad because it features all of the upcoming Deluxe Autobot figures, which I do want haha. Granted, the back of Fort Max's was even worse since it featured pretty much everything that was available at the time. Anyways, it looks nice.


What's in it, though...




Doesn't look as good. Sweet mother of twist ties... Ugh. Those were horrible. There were also loose parts on top of that which wasn't cool. And that arm... I simply cannot understand why they needed to package him with it separated. And it's not clear how you should attach it to him in the instructions, either. I initially thought I had a bad one because his arm sagged so much and fell out very easily. I tried plugging the clip in rotated 90 degrees, but there seemed to be too much resistance at first and I assumed this was wrong. Well, it was right. And my major complaint simply vanished. But it shouldn't have been packaged that way anyways.




So, Metroplex's vehicle mode? Yeah it looks a lot like him sitting down. I wish those big arms of his could open up and the hands flipped inside. That would help the look so much for his alternate modes. The helmet is also a nightmare since it doesn't always flip back into place properly from this configuration, leading to much fiddling. And finally it just looks bad without the stickers haha. They really do add a lot. But! He has massive wheels that work tremendously well and so this mobile battle station actually is a bit of a success.




City mode doesn't look as much as a city as Fort Max's, but because all of his joints, you can easily reconfigure things. I rather like the fan mode that has his legs split at a ninety degree angle so they look less like, well, legs. There's no way to fix the figure's biggest problem, though, other than just ignoring it... That ramp that comes out of his chest is just useless. It doesn't line up with the leg in either battle station or city mode. It's especially bad in city mode because it's just a straight drop. The smoothness of all of Fort Max's ramps are a major boons for the mode and rather fun. You're not having fun with this part of Metroplex's city.




Metroplex's bonus figure is Scamper. He does a fantastic job of reminding me that I was silly for scoffing at the Legends figures for so long as they've truly gotten pretty good. He's a fun little guy.




Robot mode. Robot mode robot mode robot mode. Oh boy. This is what I wanted. A genuine behemoth who can articulate so, so well. Too bad his knees and hips are pretty floppy... He'll hold a pose, but pick him up with them bent too much and the weight of his own legs will cause them to fall straight. It's also really easy to bump them out of position. This is a huuuuge contrast to Fort Max's hips, which are by far the strongest ratchet joints I have ever seen. You need a good grip to even try moving those (but that's a good thing).




He also really is the new biggest ever. He doesn't tower over Fort Max, but there's no denying the height advantage (which would be even more extreme if you extend the towers on his shoulders). You can also see here, compared to the previous picture, a cool little gimmick of his - he has a visor that flips down. Looks really cool when his eyes light up. His eyes, by the way, can move left and right. The chest also lights up and there are a good number of (very loud) voice clips to round out the electronics. I just wish the two AA batteries had been included haha.




Aaand another pic just for a size comparison.


Now as I mentioned before, I got this guy via Amazon - and he was meant to be released on August 1 for those who preordered, which I did. However, they oversold those preorders and so many had to just wait for additional stock... That would have been totally fine with me if they had just sent some sort of notice. I received nothing when my order status changed from "shipping August 1" to "no delivery date available." Come on, Amazon... A change to an order like that should automatically trigger an email notification. There's no way of knowing if you'll ever actually get your item with a status like that either. My concern was getting it before leaving for school, so luckily it didn't take long for more stock to be made available.


Sorry about that rant... So Metroplex! I like him. A lot. I just got down stickering him up before writing this (Fort Max is probably going to stay stickerless, by the way) and it helps his appearance a whoooole lot. I didn't find anything wrong with robot mode - and there weren't many stickers for that to begin with anyways. (Which reminds me - the SDCC version I mentioned. It had chrome thighs and a face. That's the only difference. If you don't care about those throwbacks to the G1 toy - which I didn't - the retail release is perfectly acceptable. I'll admit I think the chrome face really pops, but the thighs are so big I think it looked bad there.) But all of the runway details for battle station mode make it so much nicer to look at.


Hope you guys liked this look as well. And I just found where Fort Max can stand, but I'm already back to shuffling things around to make room for this guy...




Recommended Comments

Metroplex heeds the call of the last Prime.


Very, very nice. :)

I smiled like a complete fool when I finally got to that voice clip. :3
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