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Blog Controversy



I'm not a big fan of Star Wars, and I enjoyed the prequels.


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Seriously though, I watched all of Star Wars again a while ago, and honestly the only one I enjoyed was Ill. Something terrible has happened to me. :(

geez i hope everyone has the same font as me


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Star Wars is great.... if you don't mind how they completely shrugged off any need to have positive representation of amputees by making all amputees either evil or given perfect replica prosthetics.

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Star Wars is great.... if you don't mind how they completely shrugged off any need to have positive representation of amputees by making all amputees either evil or given perfect replica prosthetics.

I have seen so much on Tumblr I can no longer tell what's comedy and what's genuine concerns about ableism

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Star Wars is great.... if you don't mind how they completely shrugged off any need to have positive representation of amputees by making all amputees either evil or given perfect replica prosthetics.

I have seen so much on Tumblr I can no longer tell what's comedy and what's genuine concerns about ableism


well, as an amputee, i can actually guarantee my sincerity here that i am very peeved that they did such a copout with luke skywalker by giving him a "prosthetic" that looked exactly like his original hand.

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That's fine! I understand a lot of people don't think about the ways amputees are shown in the media. I just try to spread awareness of it where i can.


For instance, say no to amputation jokes.

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IMO I dunno why the prequels get so much hate; they're not that bad. The lightsaber battles, at the very least, improved with CGI.



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i liked the prequels a lot tbh, but that might just be because theyre what i personally grew up with


i once read about a method of watching them in 4-5-2-3-6 order and even reading about it makes the entire series sound better when viewed like that

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:kaukau: I wrote a blog entry praising the prequels and satirizing the OT, and it turned into a genuine controversy. I got a lot of people mad at me.


But seriously, there was nothing wrong with the prequels. John Williams on his own made the whole experience worth it. The worldbuilding, cool quotes, Qui-Gonn Jinn, the complexity of Palpatine's plan, and a bunch of other factors were icing on the cake. I also truly believe that, so long as they stick with the premise that Sith are permanently gone (because that was the whole point of the original saga), the new trilogy will be awesome!


(and hopefully John Williams lives to be the oldest man in the world and continues to compose for the next 20 years as an old - but entirely healthy - man)



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I'm in that group that likes the prequels. Episode I came out when I was nine, and Episode III when I was fourteen. And my 9-14 year old self found them absolutely thrilling. Star Wars, to me, is about lots of cool planets, cool spaceships, heroes, and villains. The prequels had these and thus I felt satisfied.


You can argue that the original trilogy was better written, and that's cool, but I don't watch Star Wars because I want a well written screenplay. I watch it for planets, spaceships, heroes and villains. And, unpopular opinion time, I liked the political elements of the prequels.


Also John Williams. 'Nuff said.

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I also truly believe that, so long as they stick with the premise that Sith are permanently gone (because that was the whole point of the original saga), the new trilogy will be awesome!

The Sith continued on in the expanded universe and there's a rumor they're getting the same man to play Palpatine again (though possibly as a ghost), so I doubt they will be.


I thought the directing in the prequel trilogy was ghastly. Not only is the camera work uninspired and static (except when it was an action sequence, those were ok), the performances were largely wooden and unlikable.


There were some questionable decisions in the writing, but a good director could have still made the material at least inoffensive.

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Overall, the prequels don't compare to the originals, but I don't think they deserve the hate they seem to accrue. They're not really bad movies - not great, I'll grant you, but not sucky either.

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