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BrickCon Mosaic



Eh, trying to organize this with other's input hasn't worked out yet, so I'm just pushing this forward solo:


Potential BrickCon BZPower Bionicle Mosaic






[01] [02] [03] [04]

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Piece 1: Xccj

Piece 2: Chocolate Frogs

Piece 3: Kakaru

Piece 4: Brickthing

Piece 5: Swert (Maybe?)

Piece 6: Brickthing (Potentially?)

Piece 7: Xccj

Piece 8: Kakaru

Piece 9: Mylo Xyloto (Razlak)

Piece 10: Kakaru

Piece 11: Kopakanui

Piece 12: Kopakanui


Okay, now we should be all set unless somebody drops the ball.

Details: So we need peeps to contribute 32x32 baseplates for this. (Baseplates outlines in red) The standard stuff for mosaics apply: you can use stacked plates, you should use newer dark and light bleys instead of old style grays, and don't even think about using bricks with hollow studs (like technic bricks).


There are some rareish colors like dark green and dark blue in use here. (And orange... and lime.) There's also dark red / brown (the program doesn't know the difference between the two) and for this mosaic that color could go either direction. I think I have enough pieces on my own that I could pull off any particular baseplates, but definately not all of this. I do have a stand that should hold the full thing.


And if you decide to build one but come to a point where just one stud is throwing you off... well, I'll allow for little tweaks like that, as long as it doesn't mess with the full flow of the thing. (I've done that in that past, so yeah.)


Oh, and just to be clear, this is for BrickCon attendees only. Few reasons for that: A: BrickCon leadership is more stringent about people shipping stuff in compared to BrickFair or other conventions, B: I'm deciding this late in the game so we really don't have time to play with shipping dates, and C: This isn't the official BZPower mosaic thingy, that's reserved for BrickFair. :P But it's hard enough to get all ye BrickConees to talk in one place, so I'm just kinda keeping track of it here.


So, if you're qualified, claimy a piece!


(And if there's not enough interest... better to know now than later) Well, there should be enough interest now, hope it works out!





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Eh, mark me down for 5 potentially. If anyone else thinks they have enough lime green to tackle it, by all means. I -know- I do.


And mark me for a single leftover as well.

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I'm not able to contribute, just popping by to say that that's always been one of my favourite images and I think it gets overlooked, so nice choice!



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