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Massive Amounts of Stuff



What was even the last thing I posted? There's been a ton of stuff going on. It's a little crazy.


So first, I have an entire album of just way too many photos of basically just the BIONICLE section from BrickfairVA.




It was a crazy good time. I'll have photos from the Nervous Pudding concert up eventually too!


I had to delay editing these photos because just two weeks after Brickfair ended, Maddison and I flew out to Oklahoma for a wedding we were paid to shoot. My friends Jesse and Cady got married! My friends keep doing that.


I've finally got most of their photos done, so I've been able to catch up on everything else.




Like Brickcon! A few weeks ago a few of us from BZP went to Brickcon! I know we've always made jokes about Brickfair vs Brickcon, but I cna honestly say they are very different beasts. Brickfair is bigger in about every single way- more public, more MOCs, more organization, more appreciation for BIONICLE, more attendees, more space. But Brickcon has a greater emphasis on community interactions, with food-provided meet and greets, and lots of keynote speakers, some of whom were good, some of whom were VERY VERY BAD. Since Maddison and I live in Portland, the trip up there was pretty easy, we rented a car and drove ourselves and Ben (Chocolatefrogs flew into PDX) up and back down.


I think Maddison and I attending convinced a larger-than-normal group of BZPers to attend, and it was a lot of fun. I'm glad they all came!


And I got to finally meet Cajun! Bryce has been a hero of mine for a long time, and we got to spend a lot of time with him. He's a great dude.


Also we added a LEGO/BZP expansion to our Cards Against Humanity deck. It was pretty much perfect.


The other reason updates and photos have been so few and far between is because Maddison and I are in the process of moving out of her parents' house and into our own apartment. Her parents are moving to Vancouver, WA in a few weeks, and it seemed like the perfect opportunity to get out and be our own couple on our own. So far we have been right! We're excited to get it all put together finally and have our own cozy home for Rob and Becca to visit in December! (Bring Jen?)

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