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In my previous entry, I explained that I'd found someone that I really liked (who I shall call 'M'). I finally told M how I feel about them today, and it was awful. M doesn't think that we can be more than friends, because they've already found someone else. It was so painful to hear.


We're going to talk again, but suddenly I feel worse.


I should also mention that this is only half the story. I can't discuss all of it on BZP.




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I'm so sorry Seranikai . . . if theirs anything we can help you with, PM us . . . hope your okay


Thanks, but M is the only person who can help right now.



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Poor you. Just try to get it out of your mind later and you should be allright. I feel really sorry for you Seran. You'll get over it sooner or later, I'm sure of it. :)

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This happened to me, and her and I are friends. So don't worry, you'll get another chance. :)

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I hope you'll find this story of mine to be an inspiration to move on and look towards tomorrow.


I feel sorry for you, and hope that you find a new person who will like you as much as you like them.


- :vahi:


Thanks...*goes to read* -S

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First of all, I do not know the whole story and I am going to assume this is a female.


There is still hope, just because this "M" is in a relationship now does not mean there cannot be something later on. Stay close with her and give her someone to confide in, eventually she may see you in a different light.

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M is the only one who can help, eh? I'd threaten to talk with M, but for life of me Seran, I can't figure out where you live.


You'll be okay.



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Ah.Love.It`s crazy.It would make our mouth widen,make rings around our eyes,and it will never make you stopped thinking about the loved one.Love,to me,is a risk.I do not and will NEVER rush in a matter of love.Usually when I`m sad or depressed,I`ll spend some quality time with myself,but relaxing by the riverside in a warm,sunny day with a cool glass of lemonade helps.I would try to cheer you up a bit by telling you a joke,but the situation is TOO depressing.



(When I saw this post,I imagined a picture,a restaurant,a spiky haired kid with gray eyes and a jacket(T`was really fashionable)and a black figure,with the voice of a girl(Guess who)the spiky kid(Again,guess who)told the girl his feelings,but the figure ran away from him,the kid then falls on his knees and starts to cry(Too depressing,too Anime-ish)

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Far down in the entry list, I doubt you will read this, but I still need to say it.


I recently went through the same thing. I expressed my feelings for "M", as you would say. She apologized and said no, but now I got some respect from my friends.


I never seemed to notice how much I affected my friends, but now I see that I am a very positive influence. I don't swear, I get good grades, and I guess I am one of the braver ones in my class.


Now I see her walking in the hall with others, but I still see her looking my way. I wonder about what is truth and what is misunderstanding, and I wonder what will happen.


Love is confusing.



Best of Luck,


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Not to be the bearer of bad news, but you will have to be used to "being turned down". Face the inevitable when you confront someone. You can expect 2 things. One is the answer you wanna hear, and the other is the opposite. If the person just wants to be friends, you will have the accept the facts and go along with it. Otherwise, you don't have to be their friend. At least be thankful you still have a friendship to establish with them.


And another thing. Don't be hard on yourself about it. You are still young, and plenty of other fish in the sea. You may reply back with the "I really care a lot about this person", however that same affection can be on anyone else as well. You have no idea how many women I care for, and I feel no regret or guilt or pain from any of them whenever I been turned down or if seperated. If M sees that you are mopey and stuff, they will take that very personally, and it can totally ruin a friendship if you can't let go of things, which they will eventually say if this is kept up.




You read my blog? Wow...thanks Omi. You're awesome. :)



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