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So last night we had to put our family dog to sleep. =/ He's been kinda sick for a while, but in the past week or two he got exponentially worse. If ever was the idiom "skin and bones" appropriate, it would be for him, from a combination of problems--particularly in the past week. He started eating more than he ever had, but still kept losing a lot of weight. Yesterday he was unable to keep anything down at all, so that was when we decided it was time.


The weirdest thing is that I honestly have no memory of a time when he wasn't here (we've had him since I was ~8), and now to have him just gone... Such a familiarity and feeling of normalcy is now simply gone.


At least it's good to know he didn't ever have to suffer much. It was really only the last day when he seemed like he was in any pain, even though we knew for a while that it was getting near the end (slower, thinner, less energetic, etc. but never really seemingly in pain). I also just feel really bad for my sister, because she's in Chicago and wasn't able to say goodbye in person or anything, and he was kinda her dog more than anyone's until she left for college/PhD.


Anyway, yeah, just kinda a sucky day. Will take a while to get used to/accept. =/


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That's rough, man. I had to put down my cat... geez, more than a decade ago now, and like you and your dog he'd been around as long as I can remember. It's tough, and if you're anything like me you're going to wind up getting reminders of him out of nowhere all the time for a while, but you'll make it through. You've got my sympathies.

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I remember when one of my first two dogs died. Her name was lady and past away in my backyard before I woke up on that very day. The other one named Chopper ran away. I feel ya friend. I think I need a Kleenex right now.

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