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(warning: the following includes excessive amounts of ranting, and an exceeding lack of spellcheck or revision. You have been warned.)




Supposedly, right now, I should be on stage. We should be performing this play that we have spent the past three months perfecting. However, a couple of inches of snow came in yesterday, and this, being Oklahoma, means that everyone starts flipping out.


The roads were clear by 9 o'clock this morning, and every.






of the group is ready to perform the play and brave the weather. Except for one of the core cast members father, who refuses to let him out of the house to do this. As such, my dad is in the other room, cramming to learn this other guys lines.


And that makes me flipping mad. So now it looks like we will just have one performance tomorrow, and this core piece of the play won't even be able to be there, it seems. And why? Because of stupid stereotypical homeschool parents and their overreacting and refusal to change their plans.


I kid you not, I am so mad right now. This is about as angry as I have ever been. This stupid pigheaded meanie(lol keeping it suitable for BZP) of a father better hope he never meets me, because I am very mad and I will likely yell at him and in general be a meanie. Because he was one first.


so, yeah. wow. at times like this I realize just how silly people can be.




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I can understand your frustration- it sucks that something you've worked so hard for is going to come out half-baked because of something out of your control. Were there just not enough people to have back up performers?

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Yeah, we are a fairly small group. I think we have 20-25 people, and the script calls for something around 25-30 people. So we were short already, and then this happens.


This isn't even the first time we've dealt with stuff like this, we might need to come up with some way to understudy or something in the future. *shrug*

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That guy sounds like a cow. I'm not too sure if I should be pulling out that almighty insult but I did. That reeeeeally sucks about your play. :|

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Where in Oklahoma are you? I grew up in Tulsa, and with three inches, we went to school and everything was always still open.

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I live in OKC. Thing is, being homeschooled changes things. Although it really shouldn't, it does. Mostly because we aren't used to going out every day or something I guess? (Idunno so tired right now lol and I have no idea how much sense that sentence made) But yeah, I know the OSU OKC campus closed before the storm came in, and then they close down on Friday as well during the storm, even though the aftermath wasn't particularly bad.


The main problem is the weather stations all predicted this to be like a blizzard, so people overreacted. The actual storm wasn't bad, the meteorologists just thought that it would be really bad.

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That makes more sense. I think OKC has traditionally also been less-equipped for winter weather too. I think Tulsa's location in the foothills of the Ozark mountains makes it a more snow-likely place, so I know the city had invested pretty heavily in winter weather equipment.


Still kept us all locked inside during the blizzard in 2011 though.

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