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Nighttime Rambling: Work Desk Edition

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. It been awhile since I posted here, so I thought I pop back in and give a little update.


So to start right off, here is a picture of my desk at work. Why am I linking a picture of my desk here? Because for some reason, I decided at end of work today that I want to test out the camera in this Tracfone Android phone that I got last weekend.


That and well, if I mention work here, I guess you folks can now properly visual me working on this dusty old Windows XP computer to do CAD (Computer-Aided Drafting) and database work. =P


lol Obviously I am not going to talk about work though since I don't want bored you. I mean nothing really noteworthy is happening this week. I am just doing the usual stuff, which is getting manufacturing books ready for release in the shop.


So yeah, let's move on to something else. Hm...Have you folks heard about Miiverse being on the 3DS now? Its pretty neat add-on. Although it definitely a lot more simplified compared to one on the Wii U (Mostly it lacks the friends list and personal messenger that the Wii U one has.).


Still it is a cool feature to have on the 3DS. I am not sure I will use it much though, outside of admiring the art of other people there. That being said, you can follow me there, if you want. My ID should BZPJMJ64 on there.


In other gaming news, I am thinking of maybe doing a little reflection on the games of 2013 here. I probably do that during my winter break from work. So you can look forward to that, I guess. I'll be sure have my review of LEGO City: Undercover done before that though. So you got two things to look forward to from me. XD


Hm...I think that's about it for this update. I am probably forgetting something. But eh, it is probably not important and I doubt it is interesting enough to mention here. So thanks for taking the time to read this, folks. I hope you all have a great day. Talk to you later, BZPers.


- JMJ 2013


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Oh man... dual monitors of different sizes... I hated that, certainly don't miss my old setup.


Hurray CAD! I swear, making things on Autodesk/Solidworks was the only enjoyable part of mechanical engineering :\

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@Kohaku: Yeah, CAD is pretty fun program to use. Its favorite part about my job really.


@Kayru: Yeah, I can't blame you for hating that set up. It definitely annoying having to resize windows when you have to move one from other.


But yeah, like I said above, the CAD stuff is definitely my favorite part of this job, so I get what you mean there.


@Windrider: Okay, cool. I followed you back on there. Thanks for letting me know.




Thanks to all you for taking the time to leave a comment here.


- JMJ 2013

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