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Bionicle movie quotes

Taka Nuvia


They are way too appropriate. At almost any occasion... although I have to admit that my sis uses them far more frequently than I do. xD Which reminds me that we should really watch the movies again; not really because of nostalgia or similar, but rather because I still genuinely enjoy them. :D


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My brother quote from movies and comics. All the time. Including BIONICLE movie quotes, of course. We turn our friends crazy with all the quoting. :P


-Gata signoff.png

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The Bionicle movies, hand in heart are some of the easiest movies to watch. I just have a lot of fun watching them. I always quote some lines to myself for fun haha

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To this day. I still quote that scene (MoL) when Tahu is getting up from being knocked down and he randomly says, "The Matoran" and looks up at the bronze Rahkshi (who is awkwardly hitting rocks to the side)...



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I heart quoting them, but my family gets miffed if I do it, so I've learned to tone it down. Some favorites:


"You can no longer hide in shadow." *flips light switch*


"I am shadow. The shadow that guards the gate."


"Takanuva, now so bold. But at heart, you are still, just, Takua."

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My brother tends to quote it a lot to mess with me. One of his favorites is "Frozen? What could do that to them?", which I tend to hear all the time when I'm on an ice level in a video game (but also at less relevant points).

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