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well then



After a week of torturous anxiety and indecision I managed to ask out that girl I met. Turns out she has a boyfriend already and now I feel equal parts stupid and sad...


My luck in this department does not seem to be existent.


I don't want to whine about my problems but I need to get at least some of it out somewhere. It's difficult being sad and miserable but acting completely okay IRL.


I don't want to be alone anymore.


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Ouch... I've been there. And so many other situations... I feel like I have equal luck. I've been successful once and that managed to blow up in my face before I even knew what was happening...

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There's a difference between not being in a romantic relationship and being alone. You two can still be friends as long as you can accept that romance between you will probably never happen and work to iron out the awkwardness that may have resulted from asking her out. People on the internet may malign what they call the "friend zone", but honestly if romance doesn't work out, platonic friendship is the best possible compromise.

I speak from experience, having once had an unrequited crush on a girl who turned out to have a girlfriend of her own. I may have never risen out of my self-inflicted despair if her girlfriend hadn't actually had pity on me and helped me to come to terms with the facts and become a better friend to both of them in the process.

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Oh yes I know there's a great difference, except most of my high school friends are gone off places, the ones still here I don't have much in common with and all my other friends are online. Come to think of it, tons of them have left too.


and she did say she would like to be friends and hang out sometime which is great if I can manage to get past the awkward stage I have with everyone. I was simply hoping things would look up in the romantic department and I could fill the void there while also gaining a good friend.

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I'd also like to add that I've asked a girl out, been rejected and am still freinds with her. But it wasn't easy, and I felt like an idiot for months after the situation. I recomend giving yourself some space for awhile, if you have another freind, talk to them. Don't force yourself into the the freindship right now. I have experience with that and it didn't work for me at all. I imagine if you don't talk ti her right niw she'll understand.

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You are too young to be worried about being alone forever or anything like that. Not being in a relationship can be miserable if you focus so much on that aspect of life, but being in a relationship isn't life's highest achievement like so much of media seem to make it out to be. It's nice, I'll be honest, but there are other areas to look forward to as well, other achievements to hunt out, other things to do besides worry about your relationship status. People seem to get tired of this advice, but it has worked for everyone I know: stop trying, and just enjoy your life. It'll happen when it happens.


(On the plus side, I'm proud of you for making a move on something, instead of doing the whole "I'll just work my way into her close friend group and hope she eventually lets me make a move sometime" thing. That is bad. Thank you for pursuing and being up-front. It didn't work out, that sucks, but there is nothing wrong with being someone's friend. It's not a consolation prize- friendship should be valued on its own accord. But thank you for being honest about your desires up-front.)

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