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Books! So Many Books



I have a small obsession with collecting books.* Working in a bookstore, my employee discount makes for tempting impulse-buys, leading to having about 100 books but having only read about 40% of those.** A full bookshelf looks nice. It's impressive. It's a finish line goal; me always knowing I'll have something to pick up immediately upon finishing a book.


But it does seem like I should slow down my book-buying until I actually finish a lot of these. Especially when a handful of these are borrowed or gifts.


Here's what my bookshelf looked like in August. (Oops, procrastination.) Today it's a little different, but I pretty much gained a lot of graphic novels and a few novels, and about 15 are lent to a friend. So this is still fairly accurate.




(That last pic is my comics.)


And some LEGO on the other shelves:



See anything you like? Have just as many (or more) books piling up as me?


In a few days I'll reflect on what gems are on this shelf I have read this year, and what next year holds for my reading anticipation.


-CF :kakama:


*I also have an affinity for hardcovers. Just look at this binding of The Night Circus! (The American Gods 10th anniversary edition has a beautiful binding too!)


**Surprisingly, a lot of these books aren't from work, but gifts or collected over the years. I've learned to stray away from impulse-buys, especially since I probably won't read it for a few months.


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I've never quite liked the look of a full bookshelf because it means I have no more room to add to it! (Although I haven't bought books in a long time now...)



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I've never quite liked the look of a full bookshelf because it means I have no more room to add to it! (Although I haven't bought books in a long time now...)



I've started doubling up book layers. Mostly books I've already read or the second-half of a series.


Part of me thinks I should downsize and sell/donate some of these, but most of these that I have read I don't want to give away. A few I could, but for now these have to stay put.





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I respect a man who keeps an AP Stylebook handy.


And The Onion's Our Dumb World too! I got that a few years back and it's always good for a laugh. It pretty effectively parodies every nation on Earth in addition to atlases in general (although oftentimes in ways that are NSFBZP).

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You, sir, look like you need another bookshelf. I do, too. I've gotten to the point where I need to double rows on one shelf and I just hate it. I can't say for sure if the number of books I have match yours because I can't tell how many rows you have there, or how many books fit on each row. It probably comes close, though.


Speaking of which, how was Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy? I've been reading my way up to it, but it will be a while before I get there (I'm trying to read all the author's George Smiley books and only just finished A Murder of Quality).


(Also + 2 for Cloud Atlas and Lovecraft)

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I respect a man who keeps an AP Stylebook handy.


And The Onion's Our Dumb World too! I got that a few years back and it's always good for a laugh. It pretty effectively parodies every nation on Earth in addition to atlases in general (although oftentimes in ways that are NSFBZP).

I love the Vatican's page--"The Catholic Disneyland" XD


You, sir, look like you need another bookshelf. I do, too. I've gotten to the point where I need to double rows on one shelf and I just hate it. I can't say for sure if the number of books I have match yours because I can't tell how many rows you have there, or how many books fit on each row. It probably comes close, though.


Speaking of which, how was Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy? I've been reading my way up to it, but it will be a while before I get there (I'm trying to read all the author's George Smiley books and only just finished A Murder of Quality).


(Also + 2 for Cloud Atlas Lovecraft)

As I said, I have about 100 books; probably a tad more.


I haven't read TTSS yet. I tried reading it before the movie came out, but it's a slow read and I had schoolwork and stuff to do. I'm determined to read it in 2014 though!

Same story for Cloud Atlas.


The Lovecraft is from a friend and I'm really happy I have a full anthology!



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Well as I told you before, that Night Circus hardback really is beautiful--such an awesome find! Also that Steampunk: an Illustrated History looks really awesome--I saw it in B&N one day and just started flipping through it for a while. I'll definitely have to pick that up sometime. And the Dr Who book two books away looks cool...have you heard of 11 Doctors, 11 Stories? I'm super excited for its release (never read a Who book before, but considering this has Gaiman, Ness, and Colfer...figured it's a pretty darn good place to start =P).


Serenity graphic novel! (and all your graphic novels/comics in general...that's one genre/medium that I'm sorely missing, since I only have Walking Dead: Days Gone Bye and stuff like Calvin and Hobbes, etc. but I don't really count those under that category since they're newspaper comics not comic comics). And Firefly: Still Flying! How is that one?


I'm curious if you've read any of the following, and if so, what were your thoughts on them? Wizard of Earthsea (I have the third book in the series for this one, but am trying to find the other books at a used bookstore somewhere), The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (have this but haven't read it yet--I feel like everyone I ask has a different opinion on it haha), and Boneshaker (don't have this but my friend does and it looks cool. Plus, y'know, Steampunk).


Also Dresden Files! ^^ You'll definitely have to let me know when you get around to reading Storm Front!


Anyway, looks super awesome! I really gotta get my hands on more Gaiman haha.

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I really want 11 Doctors/Stories, but B&N doesn't have it yet. Shada here is written by Douglas Adams (kind of) and it definitely shows in the fifth of it I read a while ago (couldn't finish it, so I bought it a while later. Will read in 2014).


Firefly: Still Flying is definitely a great read for Firefly fans!


I'm looking forward to the Earthsea stories. I got the first one for 50 cents at a library sale, and a few more for free without their covers from work (don't ask). I'll read the Millennium Trilogy soon. I estimate all three will take me less than a month if they're as good as people say they are. I'm also looking forward to Boneshaker because of all the good things said about it.


If you haven't read many graphic novels (despite all the advice given in that one blog of yours), message me and I'll tell you one book to go buy and read based on any criteria you give me. The Serenity graphic novels are nice, but I can't say they're essential reading. (However, the new comic starting in January might be.)



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I'm the same with buying books. If I see a book on sale that I really want to read, I have to get it. It doesn't help that there's this gorgeous little used bookstore next to the coffee shop where I work with amazing deals; I usually exit with a couple new books to join the ever-growing stack of things I have yet to read. I literally have a bin (no bookshelf, unfortunately :() full of dozens of books I plan to read... eventually.

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@ Ben--Cool, thanks for your thoughts/recommendations! I'll definitely be checking those out, and adding them to my ever-growing list of books to acquire. =P And at the Millennium Trilogy, yeah, I've heard the same. Though I've also had a couple people tell me they're a little hard to get through...not sure if that was because of content or writing style, but either way I do plan to read them eventually (probably once I find the third book for really cheap? In case they are really good, I don't want to have to wait to read the third one =P).


But yeah, still haven't gotten around to reading many graphic novels. >_< I'll definitely be messaging you then, thanks! I think part of the problem is that a lot of good graphic novels are part of a series, and with all the other books/series I "need" to read...haha. Plus, graphic novels are generally a lot more expensive, because they don't usually have ones I'm interested in at used bookstores (at least, not ones that I know I'm interested in haha), and I don't buy many books new. Anyway, I do hope to read a bunch eventually, it's just the when that's the question. =P

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@ Ben--Cool, thanks for your thoughts/recommendations! I'll definitely be checking those out, and adding them to my ever-growing list of books to acquire. =P And at the Millennium Trilogy, yeah, I've heard the same. Though I've also had a couple people tell me they're a little hard to get through...not sure if that was because of content or writing style, but either way I do plan to read them eventually (probably once I find the third book for really cheap? In case they are really good, I don't want to have to wait to read the third one =P).


But yeah, still haven't gotten around to reading many graphic novels. >_< I'll definitely be messaging you then, thanks! I think part of the problem is that a lot of good graphic novels are part of a series, and with all the other books/series I "need" to read...haha. Plus, graphic novels are generally a lot more expensive, because they don't usually have ones I'm interested in at used bookstores (at least, not ones that I know I'm interested in haha), and I don't buy many books new. Anyway, I do hope to read a bunch eventually, it's just the when that's the question. =P

I was lucky enough to get the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo as a gift, and find the second for $2 as a paperback and the third for $2 as a hardback!


I'll be sure to mark "the other books in the series aren't essential reading" as part of criteria for you.



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