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Belated Loot



So, Christmas came and it was pretty great. My family and I enjoyed Christmas at home and then went to my Grandparent's for a few days. It was very relaxing and just what I needed. Gift-wise, here's what I got:


Lego (I just asked for "any and all Lego." Turns out you get a bunch of neat stuff that way.)

-Hogwarts Express Polybag

-Fire Truck Polybag

-The Hobbit: An Unexpected Gathering ( :D)

-Superman vs. Power Armor Lex (minus Superman and Wonder Woman figs [thrift shop])

-Toy Story Trash Compactor Escape

-Brain Attack Surge (my first Brain Attack set, I kinda skipped that wave)

-Clone Troopers vs. Droidekas

-Pirate Plank



-A hat Wikipedia tells me is called a "Trapper Hat" (yay warm ears)



-The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

-Hyrule Historia

-$10 iTunes gift card

-$65 total cash


A great haul, I think. The question now is what to do with the money. There are a few Zelda things I want, and I'm having a hard time deciding what to put it towards. At some point I'll have to buy a Gameboy Advance (SP? is the screen smaller on SP, or the same size?) and Minish Cap. There's also Twilight Princess, which I've borrowed for GC but don't own. I've had a hankering to replay it recently. Which begs the question of which version. GC is more expensive but has what I consider the canon orientation. Wii is cheaper but has non-canon orientation, the funny Wiimote-swinging swordplay, lacks a few glitched I'd like to mess around with and isn't the platform I first played the game on. Or I could save the money for Lego or a Wii U when Zelda U come out.


But yeah, hope you enjoyed Christmas, because I sure did. And Happy New Year!



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I think the SP has a screen about the same size as the regular GBA, and as a bonus it's backlit. On the other hand, the hinged construction makes it less durable than the standard GBA.

But considering there HAVE been GBA games for Wii U, it might be better to put the money toward saving for one of those, and hope that by the time you have enough money for it, Minish Cap will have made it to the system.


I've only played the Wii version of Twilight Princess, and I liked it enough. The game is reversed, but then again, so was OoT Master Quest (and if you want to get technical, Skyward Sword).

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If that's the case, I might just wait for the Wii U stuff. I had no idea they would release handheld games on Wii U, although it makes sense, with the gamepad and all.

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