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Star Wars And Elections



So on the bus, for some reason, we started debating about Darth Vader. Somebody asked why Darth Vader didn't just kill Palpatine, and we answered that Darth Vader's limbs were robotic and he depended on that chest thingy to breathe. Then we got to talking about how Vader basically killed himself when he killed Palpatine for trying to kill his son by throwing him in that reactor or whatever of the Death Star. Then I said, "Vote Palpatine-Vader for 2008! Why vote for the lesser evil?" And the guys laughed. One of them said they'd do better than Bush is. And I said, "Yeah, especially since they wouldn't have all those storm troopers at their disposal... Or those fleets of ships with weapons of mass destruction... Or the Death star..." And they agreed. And yeah, I stole "Why vote for the lesser evil?" from the 'Vote Cthulhu' thing...



I'm having pizza from one of the best places in town tonight, a place called King Subs... The pizza is delicious, it's some of the best, not kidding... I have pizza every Thursday since my mom has to take my sister to choir and they don't get home for a while, so my mom doesn't have time to make dinner. I get the house to myself unless my dad's working at home (which doesn't really make a difference, as he has an office at home and doesn't come out a lot while he's working), I just get home at 2:30 PM and my mom's there or on an errand, and then around 3:00 PM my sister comes home and leaves an hour or so later...


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YAY! I love Star Wars! And actually, we're doing a Sci-Fi thing in English today and tomorrow. And have you ever thought about Jar-Jar's role in the New Empire? If you think about it, Jar-Jar caused it all. He was the one who granted Palpatine emergency powers. That led to him being Emperor. So if Jar-Jar had been more self aware, and more brave, and more evil... :D We could've had Darth Binks instead. :lol:



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YAY! I love Star Wars! And actually, we're doing a Sci-Fi thing in English today and tomorrow. And have you ever thought about Jar-Jar's role in the New Empire? If you think about it, Jar-Jar caused it all. He was the one who granted Palpatine emergency powers. That led to him being Emperor. So if Jar-Jar had been more self aware, and more brave, and more evil... :D We could've had Darth Binks instead. :lol:



That's a scary thought (O_o)...

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