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So yeah, can someone explain what this Pokébank thing people have been talking about is?


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Imagine if Duke Nukem Forever was given to Japan for two days, and then nobody could ever use it again because it crashed the entire internet.


That's Pokebank.

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No, not Duke Nukem Forever, because from most accounts I surmise not many people would miss that. Half Life 3. Imagine if Half Life 3 was released, pulled back, and then never released again.

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Yeah, see, you guys keep listing these names of games I have never played. Imagine that it`s finally announced that Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney is due for an English release. Imagine you`re still waiting for it to come out because even though you knew this would happen, it`s taking forever to get here.


Let us also imagine that the last Professor Layton game has already been released in Japan and your friend GSR, who got you into the series in the first place, has studied Japanese and has played through the game already. Let us also assume that the English release of this game is scheduled for the end of next month and your friend already knows what happens and has beaten all of the cool puzzles. So, when you finally get the game, your friend is like "cool story, bro, but I already played that. Upupupu"


All in all, I've been waiting around a month for Pokemon bank, which is ultimately just an app. However, I have also been waiting much longer for other games that actually have a decent story to them to be released. I think I can hold out. =P (In the grand scheme of things, I don`t think it's as serious as some people are making it out to be).

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