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On the subject of Justin Bieber



1. Why do people care?


2. Are you really that surprised?


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Because he was being reckless, self-destructive, and could have killed any number of people if he hadn't been stopped, including himself.


These statuses everywhere full of people going why do you care, it's not a big deal, he's some stupid celebrity, ignore it are frighteningly ignorant of a much bigger problem.



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These statuses everywhere full of people going why do you care, it's not a big deal, he's some stupid celebrity, ignore it are frighteningly ignorant of a much bigger problem.



And that much bigger problem is . . .?


I'm not being sarcastic here. I genuinely am not sure what you're talking about. Is it because his behavior was, as you put it, "reckless and self-destructive"? Or are you talking about something else?



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The big problem is you are still excusing his actions because he's a celebrity; a celebrity you don't like. The ol "Ignore him and he'll go away". This is precisely the worst way to deal with someone in this scenario.


And if you want to know why the focus is on him and not the other millions of people who are DUI, is because his face is plastered all over the place and, especially if you've lost someone to impaired driving, that gets a little overbearing.

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I'm not saying that what he did was okay or that we should turn a blind eye because he's a dumb stupid person who happens to be famous. I have no pity for someone stupid enough to drive drunk - let alone drag race while drunk - and he deserves to have the book thrown at him, aimed squarely at his head.

But when I turn on the news, I'd much rather hear about the protests in Ukraine, or the IP laws the US government recently passed, or anything else more relevant. At the end of the day, the amount of media coverage shouldn't make a difference as far as the verdict, and there are other issues that get virtually no coverage but are much more important.

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Oh that's a given. Fair play for more important issues. That is a responsibility of the news networks who, once again, have fallen down almost comically.


As for the rest of us, I'm still going to care. But I can care about several terrible things at once.

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