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Artwork, Candy, And Online Cinema

Soaring Strawberry


:music: Bionicle movie music


I sent in my entry for the contest today!


The entry was everything I had in mind when I started, but with gel pens as a last minute color decision. I'm especially proud of how Pridak's face came out; murderous, really. Takadox frustrated me, becase his head is so hollow. I now know how a space probe engineer feels when his creation is sent on its mission.


I bagged candy with the Jobies, for a local park's upcoming event. We finished quickly, but we were also so busy that there wasn't much conversation.


The scholarsip interview went well; there was a panel of three nice women, and they asked about things in the essay I had previously sent in. I'm not sure how else to describe it.


On the Not-(a)-Bionicle Site (NSB), they added cinemas. It's an interactive chat room, like their towns system, but you can throw stuff -popcorn, tomatoes, fireballs- "kiss" people, etc. So far, they only have two features, and then a list of ancient (and boring) educational ones. I tried it, the fun is in the interaction.


Now, if only we can get the site to play Bionicle movies... :P

1 Comment

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Wow that font is small... and purple... More small than purple...


That movie thing sounds pretty cool. Hmm... I wish there was a way you could do an MST3K type thing with bionicle...

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