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Coooooon! - January Haul



Let's seeeee... Bought some stuff this month all right. None of it stuff I expected to haha.




I got the Figma Asuna first from a guy over on TFW2005. He was really awesome about it and I'm so happy to have her. ^_^ Now if only I could hunt down a Kirito at a reasonable price...


Up next came the Thundertron and Blade vinyl. Thundertron's a Transformer I've been after for a while and he's pretty darn cool. But as always I had no luck with the most recent releases lol. And the vinyl is a prize I won on Tokunation, which actually delayed getting Thundertron, as he pulled prizes the day he was going to ship my stuff and had to go back and repackage heh... I've never really cared much for vinyls, but this Blade is preeeetty. I did open him up but can't decide if I'll leave him out of packaging.


And finally... Setsucon was last week - Penn State Anime Organization's convention. It was a big mess of disappointment... For starters, they cancelled the tokusatsu panel at the last minute and I still haven't gotten an explanation out of my friend high up in operations. I was looking forward to that a whole lot. And then... Richard Epcar, voice of Ansem and Xehanort in the Kingdom Hearts series and the only guest I was really interested in, couldn't make it. So that was more panels I didn't attend. In fact, I didn't attend any in the end. Just shopped and hung out in the gaming room. But what I did buy... well, I never expected to and did set me back a bit heh. First was Figuarts Zeronos, which I got at a decent and not convention-hiked price after talking to the guy for a while. Probably also because I bought the Complete Selection W Driver off of him... I have entered another new, dangerous rabbit hole that is role play toys. I really don't think I'll get more (but the OOO Driver... tempting). But this thing has always looked cool to me and when I saw it in person I just couldn't wait.


So yeah, that's everything. No Haytham or D-Arts Megaman like I set myself out to get at the beginning of the month... mostly because their prices went back up, of course. But they're still on my radar, as are a great many things.




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The only thing here that I recognize is the Asuna figure. A few weeks ago, it wouldn't even have been that. d=


Takuma Nuva


Well... that's something. :P
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