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My Favorited Blogs

Raging Land Squid


Here's a list of the blogs I've favorited:


Something GMan this way comes... - GMan


[O.o] - The McSpork


Generic Name - Nukora


You know you want to see this Blog - The keyblade master of light


Girl Without A Label - Hahli Husky


The Bunny's Burrow - Bundalings the Bunny


Confessions of a Drama Queen - Gali Nuva Girl


LarryBoy's Powerful Larry Lair - Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


Mr. Xanis Meets Mr. Blog - Mr. Xanis


HOACHQ - Adventurer


The Most Boring Blog in the World - Wrinkledlion X


Multidimentional Rift - Seranikai


Po's Blog (How Original) - ~Po~


Frankin-Dal-96's Blog - frankin-kal-96


Well, there you go...


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You have way too many favorited blogs... It makes it difficult to figure out if your blog entry is still showing on the first page if you have too many favorites or favorites that update frequently.
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I've been dieing to post mine...


Somthing GMan this way comes - GMan


Horrors of a Cthulhu blog - Cthulhu the dreaming


[0.o] - The McSpork


You know you want to see this blog. - The Keyblade Master of light


LarryBoy's Powerful Larry-Lair - Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


Abnormal but not Invisible - Ars Moriendi


'Cuz it's Cooler with the "Y" - Lyger


Wat - McSpit™


frankin-kal-96's Blog - Me (So I can keep track of new comments)

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Hey I'm on there!

Who knew.

And Seranikai's blog is Multidimensional Rift.

Looks like you got some nice blogs up there... I don't read most of em, but maybe I should...

Who am I kidding? I already have a whole page I'm watching.


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A multidimensional risk? I know my blog is extremely risky to be around, heck, I'm even risky to be around, but still...





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