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Happy LEGO Day

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: Why not?


Valentine's Day is a stupid holiday. Always thought so, always will. It wouldn't make a difference if I was in a relationship, because the things I value in a relationship transcend hearts and chocolate (although to be fair to chocolate, it is one of the greatest inventions ever). I mean, to have society try to associate your relationship with such a commercialized event that has seemingly nothing to do with relationships when you two are too busy doing something that's actually important is kind of embarrassing. Everything about it is awkward. Is it the only day of the year that people are supposed to be romantic or something? Is there supposed to be some sort of special date that boys take their girlfriends out on this day? I would have figured that a special date wouldn't be on a day where everyone else is doing it, because you'd want to make it a little more personal. It's kind of hard to be personal when everyone else is doing it, and when the romantic theme of Valentine's Day is also so vague and ambiguous. It's like you're not celebrating anything in particular, or anything meaningful about relationships. You're just celebrating the shallow stuff.


So from now on, I'm making my own holiday on February 14, something that's actually fun. I missed out on seeing the The LEGO Movie on its opening weekend, but there's a matinee this Friday. I decided that I would dedicate this day to LEGOs and see that movie. A friend even knew that today was LEGO Day for me and suddenly dropped in on me at midnight to say "Happy LEGO Day!"


I'll have a review of the movie up tomorrow, and I hope everyone else who hasn't seen it yet takes some time today to see it. In fact, it would be awesome if you, too, would consider today LEGO Day from now on and it became a little tradition among us BZPers.


Happy LEGO Day!


Oh, and I admit, I did give in and celebrate Valentine's Day just a little bit. This morning, I treated myself to a chocolate, heart-shaped doughnut. But that was because of the chocolate. It just might be as awesome as LEGOs.



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It seems to me that your problem isn't with what Saint Valentines' Day is but rather they way society treats it.

Two totally different things. This is no different than Christmas and how commercialized that has become.

Takuma Nuva

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A commemoration of Saint Valentine is fine with me. Pretty interesting guy, though I daresay that I should do more research to know exactly what it is that they day is supposed to commemorate. As with Christmas, I know exactly what that's about since it's true meaning is definitely brought up more often. And I definitely don't care for the commercialization of Christmas, either, and don't pay much attention to it.


Thanks for bringing up the original meaning of Saint Valentine's Day. Easy to forget, and I had forgotten.


(I'm looking for a new signoff)


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I'm probably a bit late for bringing this point up, but are people only supposed to show appreciation for military veterans on Memorial and Veteran's Day? Are we only supposed to be grateful for what we have in life on Thanksgiving?


These holidays aren't "awkward" (at least I hope not). I am sure most people don't celebrate their topics on just that day of the year, yet nobody seems to have a problem with having one day dedicated to them. How is Valentine's Day different?


(Except for the fact that it can be harder to celebrate it by yourself. :P)


I do like the idea of having a LEGO Day, though.

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