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Well, my sis is over her whatever-she-had before thing. It's gone. Kaput.


Now, instead, she's got pnemonia.


And the rest of us are seemingly catching it as well.




So...yeah, I'm hacking out a lung. What stinks is that we don't get school days off when we're sick, unless we're in the hospital or some appendage got chopped off or something.


Which doesn't happen often.


I just hope I'm better by next week. I want to be healthy at least mind-wise for my insanely-early-in-de-mornin' SAT. ><




Oh, and LK, that pic I drew on my Spring Break didn't turn out as I had hoped. I've sent you a PM about a possible solution. :)




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Hey, I take the SAT on the same day!




OMG! I totally forgot about that! I only have a week to get ready! Thanks for the accidental reminder! :P

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You haven't gotten ready for the SAT yet? :ohmy:


Shame on you. :P I crammed through the whole book last week, and I'm gonna re-cram through the mathematics section next week.


Hooray for cramming! :happydance:



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School in general is a drag. <_< I can't wait till I'm finished and working.


Getting sick also stinks, Think of all the things you could be doing, but you can't... Glad that your sister is better from that other un-namable sickness. Hope you both get better.



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