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Friendly D&D Reminder



1-3.5e were terrible or atrociously complex, and if you played anything that wasn't a caster, you were purposefully crippling yourself.


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You're about half and half, TBH. One the one hand, you're a ranger, which only got really good in 4e where they became one of the objectively best damaging classes, but on the other hand you're a human.


As in, the race Gygax made specifically to be superior to all others.

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but wasn't 4th edition when they simplified the alignment chart to remove Chaotic Good and Lawful Evil? I just don't approve of that change.

I never said 4e was perfect. Especially since WotC made the five alignments Lawful Good, Good, Unaligned, Evil, and Chaotic Evil.


(any good DM will allow you the normal nine)

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it wigs me out that it (was?) a thing where that's not balanced in a tabletop game, mostly since (as it's described to me) d&d always seemed the type of game the person running it could alter to cater things so players who aren't min/maxing things can feel important/have fun


i only played it once very briefly and that was... 4th edition i think, so i prolly sound dumb but w/e

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