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Muaka & Kane Ra!



Yay! I just won an auction on eBay for M&KR! I can't wait until I get it. It's been one of my favorite sets, but I've never been able to get it. I got it for 26 buckies!

I so happy.




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Way to kill a mood, SZ.

The chances of it being a fraud are small.

I think.



Sorry, I didn't mean to, but I just remember when Shine *thought* he had gotten the Nui-Rama set for a cheap price when it was actually a fraud. I just didn't want the same thing to happen to you, seeing that you got them for a cheap-ish price. ;)





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The chances of it being a fraud are small.

I agree....it's not that big a deal, since I got all the Toa Metru, 2 Vahki, on Bohrok Kal, 5 Toa Nuva and one Toa Mata, one Toa Hordika, Makuta, all 6 Rahkshi and 1 extra Turahk for only 70 bucks on Ebay. I'm so happy. Mhuahahaha!

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Naughty SZ. Don't be mean to your fellow apprentice.


I still have that sharpened Fikou...




I thought it was an Ussal...

I'm still happy.



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Ah, man. I've always wanted those. The only 2001 rahi I got was that special kit, the Nui-Rama, and the Nui-Jaga... I didn't have much money then... I didn't even get the Bahrag when they came out... Good job, BtB. Enjoy your rahi!

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Way to kill a mood, SZ.
The chances of it being a fraud are small.
I think.
Sorry, I didn't mean to, but I just remember when Shine *thought* he had gotten the Nui-Rama set for a cheap price when it was actually a fraud. I just didn't want the same thing to happen to you, seeing that you got them for a cheap-ish price. ;)




I don't. ^^;
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I got a really great deal on M&KR at Brickfest 2006. Amazing, seeing as the Turaga and McToran were going for prices that were unreasonable in comparison, to say the least.


- :vahi:

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I got a really great deal on M&KR at Brickfest 2006. Amazing, seeing as the Turaga and McToran were going for prices that were unreasonable in comparison, to say the least.


- :vahi:


How much was it?



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Its a great challenging set. But I think they make much better use for MoCing. Keep us updated on the condition of the set.

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I feel so lucky, getting it for my birthday in '01. I feel so special. *Finds out many people have M&KR* NOOOOOOOOO!...

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