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Turning Point Reached

Pahrak Model ZX


After a lengthy side-quest to get the Vampire asterisk, I restored the Earth Crystal and stuff went down. I won't spoil anything. I do, however, want to go on record as saying that I was right about who wrote D's Journal!


...It's actually really, really obvious when you read the Enigmatic Writings so I don't deserve that much credit.


It really is a lot easier to get JP now. I've even managed to master a few Jobs! Also, I was able to hunt down all the Genomes for Vampire, so I think I'm in pretty good shape going forward. I'm near the end of Chapter 5, and I can only imagine what waits beyond that, since things are already so...drat, anything I say will be a spoiler at this point...


Anywho. Whole party is at Lv 62. Tiz has mastered Performer; Agnes has mastered White Mage and Spiritmaster; and Edea has mastered Spell Fencer. No Jobs mastered for Ringabel yet, though he is close on Black Mage (Lv 12) since I want to cast Level 6 Black Magic, as well as Vampire (Lv 13) since I used him as my main Genome gatherer. The complete Job histories are way too long to list now, so I'll just leave it at that.


Current set-up:

-Tiz as Summoner Lv 11 with Singing

-Agnes as Salve-Maker Lv 11 with White Magic

-Ringabel as Black Mage Lv 12 with Vampirism

-Edea as Templar Lv 11 with Sword Magic


All of which will see frequent change as I move forward. I know I'm going to be getting some more JP for Edea's Dark Knight job soon, at least; everything else is sort of up for grabs.


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Dark Knight? Vampire?


I am so gonna have fun with those asterisks. =3


I just activated the Fire Crystal and got the Pirate asterisk. Tiz is red mage lvl ten, Ringus is Valkyrie lvl ten, Edea is Knight lvl ten and Agnes is summoner lvl eight, though I don't utilize her much in that job. She is a powerful black mage, though and she was a decent thief with a bow.

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I commend your tenacity for having Jobs at Level 10 before Chapter 4. It is no easy task.


And yes, the late-game asterisks are quite fun indeed. I just got my hands on the final asterisk--Conjurer--though I haven't tried it out yet since its Invocations cost 90 MP each...

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It's not as hard when you get job experience from bosses in side quests. And when you destroy eveything in sight along the way. For this chapter I wanted to rely less on magic based attacks, so I tried to build up my armory. I guess it worked out alright. It didn't seem quite as difficult as some points in chapter two.


I don't think I'll get to level eleven any time soon, though.


Also, 90 MP sounds tedious. Those spells better work...

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Well, they do raise an individual stat to its upper limit (150% physical atk, etc) for...10 turns, I think? So the cost is probably justified. It's just that I'm only now outgrowing the MP management issues that have been plaguing me for ages and I don't want to go back. :P

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I knooow! Running out of MP is why I decided to focus on physical attack damage. Sword magic does wonders for that. I think I'll keep Tiz as a white mage and have Agnes as a red mage with Sword Magic set to drain to keep up with healing and attack. I think it might work out.


Edea is a pretty fabulous sword master and having her high level sword magic comes in handy when the opponent has elemental weaknesses. Ringabel's job is hit or miss with me. He was doing well as a Valkyrie, so maybe I'll keep him as that?


In any case, Victor and Victoria are tough. I should get Tiz up to lvl five white magic spell casting and find some way to nullify poison. Mrgrgr...


Also I now realize I have yet to focus on support jobs at all... that might actually come in handy for this fight. JP seems easier to get, so leveling them up to nine should work out alright. I need to get Tiz up anyway.

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Performer is a good choice--even by the time you hit the slope at Lv 9, you have abilities for buffing the whole party's stats AND giving a character an extra BP, all for really cheap MP costs.


And yes, Victor and Victoria don't go down easily. If you've gotten the necessary special move parts from Norende, I'd recommend setting everyone's third tier specials to Light and first tier specials to Dark. Do some grinding until you build up all the third tier specials, then unleash them all on Victoria to leave a serious dent in her HP. Once she's down, Victor isn't that big a deal, and if you build up any first tier specials, you can unleash them to target his weakness.


Also, if you have SP, Bravely Second can be really helpful. Admittedly, though, I tend to forget that it's an option. :P

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I have yet to use SP at all. It probably would've come in handy before, too. =P


So far the red mage drain combo seems to be working outside of serious battle. Also, I only have two villagers because I live in a deadzone for StreetPass stuffs and I missed out on the glitch in the demo because I looked it up after I had already received the additional villager.


For now I continue grinding until complete and total annihilation is possible. ^^ (thisgameissotragicohmygosh)

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Do you have access to Wi-Fi? If you use Update Data from the Save menu, you can send Net Friend Invites that way to gain villagers and Friend Summons.


Warning it gets tragicer

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Healing magic lvl five plus red mage plus star pendants made that fight soooo much easier.


So, I just need to climb that tower there and activate that crystal thing and bring about the bringer of destruction that will obliterate everything (that is if my hunch is correct. The four horsemen just came to mind while playing this game).

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Well, now it is active. But before I continue, I should probably get that vampire thing.



Also the fact Ringostrr wasn't in that journal leads me to believe it was written by Artemis Dim from another timeline where Ringabill was absent. Maybe Ringding is Art from another history? Maybe he is going back in time or to another world where he can keep an eye on Agnes and then gain his memories back at a critical moment like, say, when they enter that light pillar. But that makes little sense because Edea knew Arto since childhood, so you'd think she'd recognize Ringbing from the start. Meh, I am talking in circles. Though he can pilot Eternian ships and Art does have knowledge of how they tick, hence him destroying it in chapter one.


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Spiritmaster is a big help dealing with the Dragons in the Vampire quest, believe me.


And yes, complete all the sub-quests before heading to Holy Pillar, else you'll lose your shot at them! Don't worry about Conjurer, though, that's available in Chapter 6 (along with the Susano'o summon).


As for Ringabel...



You're spot-on, actually. I won't go into the details, but Ringabel is indeed another Alternis. As for why Edea didn't recognize him, well...yeah, I haven't quite figured that out either. :P My best excuse would be that maybe he always had a helmet on, but that's a rather silly handwave. Maybe it'll get explained later on and I just haven't reached it yet.


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Actually I looked it up and it should be possible to get the vampire job in chapter five. That or the internet lied to me.



Also I died immensely on my first dragon encounter, got frustrated and was bad and moved on anyway. I feel great shame for doing so.


Anyway, what? I mean, this again? I was kinda expecting the end of the world... not visiting a carbon copy one... Also, what happened to the original world? The one I started in and worked so hard to save? Is it dead now? Also... why?


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It's still there, you've just moved to a new one. If you want to get the true ending, you're going to have to go through several more. This is where the game's similarity to Steins;Gate becomes a pain, to be honest...if you want to get the short ending first: you'll soon be informed of the option to either do something unusual or keep doing the same thing. If you do take the unusual choice, you'll go to the short ending (which starts with an unwinnable boss fight--don't worry, you get better afterwards).


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