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believe victims


(i'm well aware that it's more Pacific Rim than Evangelion by this point but that won't stop me)


so I picked up the Evo XL Machine a few days ago. Oddly, unlike Dragon Bolt, I don't have a lot of negative things to say about that. However, having dedicated myself to negativity in all aspects of my life, I did find quite a few flaws that stood out.

  • Flickfires. Even worse, they feel tacked on, and trying to flick them makes the joint they're on move at least 50% of the time.
  • The back is hideously hollow, so much so that even viewing it from the side makes it a bit of an eyesore.
  • The entire lower half is awful as far as posability and, to a lesser extent, visual appeal. The chicken-leg effect was achieved to far greater effect with Waspix, who didn't lose any articulation in the process. Also, the armor on the lower half sticks out so far as to look tacked-on and enhance, rather than hide, the crude skeletal nature of the legs. The lack of ankles also means that you really have to work to pull off a pose that isn't standing in place.
  • The jumpers don't really jump that well. And by that, what I mean is they sort of flip vertically into the air, then fall back down.
  • I just don't like the thumb thing. It's at an awkward plane to the rest of the fingers.
  • This could just be a flaw with my particular set, but the clips you stick into the leg armor are too loose, and they wiggle around and threaten to fall out. Quite annoying.

Otherwise, I almost want to call it a good set, but some of those flaws are enough for me to settle with calling it a mediocre one with good qualities.


I will say, though, that it feels cruel to criticize it when it has more heart and soul and personality put into its design than pretty much the entirety of Brain Attack.




EVO Unit 01 and Princess Shuff


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The thumb can be improved if you attach an Exo-Force robot arm to the paw piece, and attach the thumb to that instead of directly to the paw piece. It's not the sturdiest connection but it results in a more realistic range of movement. I've done this with my Caitlyn Gauss XL MOC as well as my twin brother's CHI Worriz set and it generally works like a charm.


I'm not terribly bothered by the lower half. What it loses in articulation it gains in stability. Could have been improved, certainly, but the range of motion is sufficient for this particular model just as the articulation of the 2003 Makuta set was previously.


Contrary to their name, flick missiles generally work better if you just press them rather than trying to flick them with one finger. That way you can hold the launcher steady with your other fingers. Their range isn't tremendously great, but it's not considerably worse than what you'd get by actually flicking them.


I suppose I had a better experience with the jumpers than you did. I think if you practice with them a bit more you'll figure out how to make them jump forward more reliably. Certainly I find them more effective than the mini-Visorak from 2005.

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