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22 Years of Life and 4 Years of Employment

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. I thought I pop in and share how my B-Day went today.


Really there is not much to say. I didn't exactly do anything special. I mostly just treated it like a normal day. Well, I should say a normal weekend day as otherwise I would been at work for most of the day.


But anyway, I basically I just watched a lot of Star Trek: The Next Generation today (I am currently on season 3.). So yeah, I wouldn't say it is very productive or eventful day. Not that I am complaining though as I like chill days like this.


Hm...What else should I mention? Well, I got some cards from relatives and I also got two gifts from a friend of mines. Uh...I had some cake with my dinner. I unfortunately don't have a picture of it though. It basically looks like an Easter Egg, if you really that curious. Oh, and I have some chocolates too.


That's all I really have to say about my birthday. As a side note, yesterday was my 4th anniversary of being employed. I don't really anything say about that, beside obvious that I am rather graceful to still have this job.


In other news, it seems that next Saturday (April 26th) my friend and I are going to check out the public day for Philly BrickFest, so that I should be a fun little trip (Its much shorter trip than one to BrickFair VA.). I'll be sure to take a bunch of pictures from that to show you folks. Oh, and if you are also going, I probably be wearing my BZPower shirt, so I probably be easy to notice (Whether or not I can buck up courage to introduce myself to anyone is the real question.).


Alright, that's enough from me for today. I apologize if this was kind of boring read. I hope you all have a great day and thank you for taking the time to read this. Talk to you later, BZPers.


- JMJ 2014

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Sounds better than having to work on your birthday at least!


And I'm going to keep a lookout for those BZPower shirts. You better hope I don't see you. :P

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@Black Six: Yeah, it was definitely better than that (Weekend Birthdays FTW).


Uh...I see. Well, I am kind worried now. ...


Good thing I know what you look like, so I can avoid you if need be. :P




Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, Black Six. I hope you have a great day.


- JMJ 2014

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@~Shockwave~: Thanks, dude.


And eh, don't sweat it. Last Sunday was busy day for most people (What with it being a holiday and all), so I wasn't expecting many people to wish me happy birthday (Especially not here since I hadn't been very active lately. That and well, I am nobody here really.)


But anyway, as I said in this entry, I thought it was pretty good birthday.




Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, ~Shockwave~. I hope you have a great day.


- JMJ 2014

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