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Staying Ridiculous



It happened again.


I was gonna pull an all-nighter recording and editing a commercial for my Digital Video class, and technically I succeeded, I passed out around 6-7 AM waiting for my mom to leave for work so that I wouldn't disturb anyone. I woke up at 12:59 noon, an hour late for class. After crying for a half hour since this is the third time I've accidentally slept right through this class and three absences is an automatic failure, I was finally able to put the numbers together and realize that class ended an hour later than I thought and that if I flew out the door, I'd catch the class right before it ended. And that's what I did. I sat on the train and edited my commercial with the hours of footage and audio I collected that night, and got to class in the last ten minutes.


Thankfully, my teacher is the bomb and likes me, so he was totally cool about it and went with my "I was too sick to leave the house this morning" story, which was pretty plausible considering the weather and the virus going around and the combination of red crying eyes, staring-at-screens-all-night-and-all-morning eyes, and only-got-like-7-hours-of-accidental-sleep eyes, and my voice cracking due to inhaling cold air as I could as I rushed to school. That last bit backfired later, 'cause my voice cleared right up and he was all "your voice got better" and I realized he probably thought I was faking it now when that voice thing wasn't even something I planned on :P Anyways, I threw my commercial onto the server and he told me to come back in twenty minutes to start the final editing exam that everyone had obviously already finished. The test is him giving us a 10 second clip, and a folder full of graphics and clips and audio files, and we have to recreate the clip as exactly as possible. It took me three and a half hours, 'cause there was a lot of work involved and I had to use Final Cut instead of Premiere because I couldn't figure out how to do alpha mattes in the latter and they were an important effect in the video, but I did manage to make a near exact replica of that video and he was all *thumbs up* so hurray, I guess this means I'm all good as far as not failing the class for absence goes. The written exam is next week but that's the least of my worries.


Anyways, yeah. Ridiculous. I hate sleep. It's so weird. I had like 10 hours of sleep the night before due to missing my Thursday class so I wasn't even remotely tired last night, it just sort of happened. Again :/


Welp, everything worked out.


I'd show off the commercial I made 'cause I'm proud of it but it is naughty and would more than likely break BZP rules :P


The basic rundown of the thing is that it's nighttime, there's a water bottle that I'm advertising on the window sill. You hear two people undressing, clothes start flying towards the window and falling to the floor in front of the camera, and a pair of panties lands around the water bottle. The light goes out and the sound of uh, fun and mattress springs bouncing plays while the sky rapidly accelerates from night to day and the room slowly lights up. The audio stops when the sun is finally up, a man's arm enters the shot, takes the water bottle and the words "rehydrate" appear. He puts the opened bottle back and leaves the shot holding the panties, then lowers the blinds. The panties soon hit the window and fall next to the bottle again and the audio resumes, and it transitions to closeup shot of the water bottle, with "Round 2" as the name on its label :P


I had a lot of fun with that one :P


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I have one and it usually wakes me right up, and if it fails the other ten alarms that go off every ten minutes usually do the trick.

And then some days I either sleep right through all of them, or I unconsciously turn them off as they start to ring with no memory of it when I wake up.

Obviously the solution is to actually go to sleep at a reasonable time, but I never do and it's almost never a problem and I probably won't do that until finals are over and I can relax :P

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