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Kaleidoscope Tekulo


Tonight's season finale was wonderful


Everything I wanted it to be and more. Despite the show's over-use of fantastical and overly intricate plotlines, it still finds a way to be heartwarming.


Also I totally ship Emma and Hook. I have for a while, and Aaaaaa so happy. ;u;


Regina really really needs a happy ending, oh my gosh... (though she kinda had this one coming)






~ Tekulo <3


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Oh hey look someone else who watches this show.



Anyway, how surprised where you by the character reveal at the end? Because I accidentally had it spoiled for me (on account of the fact that I watch the show online) by no less than three web sources. I hate how no matter how hard you try to avoid spoilers, they pop up even in the most random places (news sites, movie sites, instagram).


Of course, it doesn't help that when I went on to abc to watch the finale they had the character reveal right on the front page for all to see. THIS IS NOT HOW YOU DO THIS ABC. GET WITH YOUR SPOILER TAGS.


I was never going to win that one. :no: From now on I'm just watching it live. That's the lesson I learned.


So yeah... I need to be feel surprise vicariously through someone. :P



Anyway, I don't really care much about any the character relationships (it's not why I watch the show), but we'll see how things go.

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Le Gasp! I am not the only one!



That sucks! I watched it live/on a recording, so I was fairly surprised and excited. I CAN ACT SURPRISED ENOUGH FOR TWO! ... Maybe. =P


I did not expect Elsa to morph from goo out of an urn.


Anyway, Rumplestiltskin needs to stop being a coward... like, srsly, dude... =Y (I was so upset with him when he killed Zelena and opened the time portal.


Also, Princess Leia is the best princess.


As for the relationships, I'm curious as to what will happen with Regina. I honestly wasn't expecting Robin Hood to go out with the person who killed his wife. (Are any of their relationships-not just romantic ones-not completely screwed up?


Regina; it turns out you had a less damaging relationship with my mother than I did... and you killed her.)



Yes, we shall see.

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Yeah, Rumple has issues but that's why I like him. I don't really understand how killing Zelena opened the portal, but whatever, I just went with it.


Regarding relationships... yeah. You're right. Sometimes it seems like relationships on this show have two extremes: Either two characters hate each other with a fiery passion, or two characters love each other to a point where it gets way too saccharine. Why can't people just... be friends? :P


On a similar vein, I also feel like the writers just sit in a room and come up with ways to make Henry's family tree as screwed up as possible. I am fulling expecting Prince Neal to turn into someone horrible.


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I miss when he was implike. He still is, I guess, but he seems less cheeky about it.


Also, Red and Snow seemed good friends. I miss the focus on her character because she was interesting. Also she was really awesome and was my favorite character. Alas, she kinda faded to obscurity for... some reason.


Also, that would make a lot of sense... I feel bad for Snow and Charming. They just want to be happy and they can't have a kid without it being an important plotpoint.


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I like him as both an imp and a regular human. Either way he's pretty selfish and incredibly dangerous, but still has the ability to pour on the charm when necessary and make you trust him. Carlyle plays him beautifully, and If I'm going to be honest he's probably the only reason why I'm still watching the show. Although I did like the actor who played Pan. The scenes with him and Carlyle are easily the highlights of the season for me.


Oh yeah, I forgot about Red and Snow. The actress who plays her (Red) was cast in another program (Intelligence) so her appearances had to be turned down, hence her fading into obscurity. It was cancelled, though, so maybe that means she can return for S.4.

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