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I Beat Final Fantasy Iv Advance!

Angry Nidhiki


I am AWESOME, cause I beat Final Fantasy IV Advance!


Well, okay. It's just like an RPG that's pretty hard. But I'm really glad to know that it doesn't clear the file at the end... so I can complete my bestiary!


Anyway, It's an awesome game, best I've played in a while. I'll tell Ray he has to get it... unless he doesn't like RPGs, mata nui forbid. (see, I censored it! :D)


Well.... It turns out the moon, in a series of unlikely series of events, the moon will sail away from the earth, carrying an old bald lunarian and a would-be raving warlord out to kill all of mankind. Turns out he's the main character's brother.


I got all that info from a very reliable source: Square Enix.


Also turns out the government's keeping a store of Chocobos and deadly Behemoths. Oh, the horror! :drooling:


Well now, I have absolutely nothing to do! How sad... *looks outside at bright, sunny world, then glances at TV...*


Oh, I guess I do have something to do! :P


I'm not actually like that, in case you're wondering... :D


Well, I've decided to write a story about how Zeromus comes back to power and destroys the world. If that goes through, then.... well, Not a happy day for the Mysidians.



MUA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! *hack-hack-hack.......*


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