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The Coliseum Becomes a Warzone

Pahrak Model ZX


Technic Coliseum just finished its final tournament. Again, I’d like to extend my thanks to everyone who participated! When I first came up with the idea back in 2010, I never imagined I’d still be putting so much effort into it years later. It’s sad to see the Coliseum go, but worry not: Technic Warzone is on its way! To celebrate the success of Coliseum and get you excited for Warzone, I decided to type up a little something to put a bit of story into this thing (though not too much, since we aren’t in the RPG Forum :P ).




A lone Pahrak was working on the edge of the street, making some sort of sign. He sat in front of a large, arena-like tower built in the style of Metru-Nui’s Coliseum, which took up an entire block on its own. How rich do you have to be to afford something like that?


Anyway, Pahrak finished his work, stood up, and attached the sign to the tower’s doors. It read: “TECHNIC COLISEUM CLOSED FOR RENOVATION.” It was written in Matoran, obviously, but we have translated it for your convenience. We’re so helpful, aren’t we?


“Okay, everyone’s cleared out and the building is locked down,” Pahrak said to himself. “Now I just need to call the family in so we can get to work! Ah, this brings back memories of the last renovation, though hopefully this one won’t take nearly as long…”


Pahrak pulled out a flip phone and—really? A flip phone? It’s 2014, why don’t you have an iPhone or something, you loser? We know you’re not short on cash if you can run this giant interdimensional fighting league. Whatever.


But before he could make the call, he heard a noise. Turning around, he saw a giant blue frog with a tongue so long it was wrapped around its head like a scarf...it’s a lot cooler than it sounds.


“Are you Pahrak #0579, zam?” the frog asked.




“I am Greninja #0579. No relation, zam. I have come to this world because I have something urgent to tell you, zam!”


“Okay but cut it out with the ‘zam’. I seriously doubt anyone’s going to get that reference, and it’s really unnecessary.”


“Fine. I come from a parallel world, one where a terrible fate has befallen the Technic Coliseum. After you completed these renovations, dark forces seized control and orchestrated a multi-world war that quickly descended into total anarchy.”


Pahrak nodded. “Mm-hm. Question: were these dark anarchy forces carrying around a shell-shaped fossil?”


“…Possibly. That’s not the point. Everyone got their hands on death rays and turned on each other—it became an every set for themselves bloodbath, with no survivors. Then someone went and started retconning things, and now everyone’s back to life.”


“Ah yes, the retcon. I’m well familiar with it.”


“My world is now trapped in a never ending cycle of death ray wars and spontaneous revivals. You were corrupted by the anarchy and started placing bets on who would live and who would die.”


“Wow, I became a real—“


“I’m gonna cut you off there. Look: I came to this world in order to prevent the same thing from happening again. I’ll take care of the dark forces when they arrive, but I wanted to warn you so that you would be alert to any signs.”


“Okay, thanks for the heads-up.”


Greninja leapt onto a ledge and stared off dramatically. “This world must not become like mine…it must not become a Technic Warzone…”


“Hah, title drop!”


Ignoring Pahrak’s comment, Greninja disappeared in a puff of smoke. But…will he truly be able to stop the Warzone?!


“It doesn’t matter,” Pahrak said, “there isn’t any canon for this to stick to anyway.”


Oh yeah. Well, Technic Warzone opens June 22nd, everybody! Feel free to join in on the fun!

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