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E3 Opinions

believe victims


Microsoft: Had, like, one game that interested me, Ori and the Blind Forest. The other games felt too repetitive and dull. I am sick of military FPSes. Not even Ori was enough to get me excited about the Xbone, though.


EA: Started strong with the Star Wars and the cello, but then ALL THE FEELSUH and it all went downhill from there. If I wanted to play sports, I'd go outside.


Ubisoft: Boring, dull, repetitive, just like the other two. Nothing really called out to me. Just Dance and the exercise game, at least, werent greyed-out gritty garbage, but still didn't catch my eye enough to stick.


Sony: Intertwined looks incredible, Little Big Planet looks neat, and No Man's Sky could be good if they get better about alien design. A few of the others are things I know other people are excited about and look interesting, but not enough to catch my full interest. It still has its share of gross gritty games, though, which don't interest me in the slightest. Then they went on for far too long talking about TV and stuff, repeating Microsoft's mistake last year.


Nintendo: Right off the bat, they had my attention. I'm not big on fighting games, but Smash Bros looks like it's coming along great. Captain Toad and Splatoon stood out to me the most of the new games I saw. They're both cute games with great concepts and gameplay that outshine pretty much anything I saw in the other conferences. The Yoshi and Kirby games both have neat aesthetics that caught my eye, but I'm not really big into either franchise so I can't say for sure I'd play them. We got more for ORAS than I expected, with actual looks at gameplay that have me super excited. My only worry is that gym leaders still aren't getting their own 3D models, and I'm worried the champion won't again, which was a big letdown in XY. Giant Robot looks neat but also kind of clumsy. They're still going with the Treehouse so I might update this as they show more games but so far Nintendo is the one doing the most to slay my wallet.

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Nintendo did pretty good this year. I won't say they won E3—I'm not so sure anyone did, or could, but I do think that at the very least, their direct/conference should remind the big players that they're still relevant to gaming, even with the Wii U struggling. My only complaint is that, as someone who can't really get a Wii U until later in the year, it didn't really give me much to hope for in the next couple of months—with Smash Bros for 3DS being delayed to October, the only thing on my gaming calendar in the near future is Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright.

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I think the problem is theres some sort of universal slow start with "next-gen" gaming. It seemed like every system was released with pretty much no games of any interest. I think the Wii U has started finding its footing with MK8 and, if the games shown at E3 are any indication, it should start building strength.

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My big complaint with E3 right now is that it seems most everything is slated for 2015 or beyond. I'm in no rush to pick up any of the next-gen consoles at this rate.


(3DS' 2014 is also looking a bit thin, but that might be expected after the 2013 it had.)

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The problem I had with e3 this year is everyone was offering too little too late. I really want to play Halo(s) (I'm still a dork fanboy at heart for the GRITSHOOTER with the most soul and colour, though what little remains is draining really fast), And the new Zelda is looking tops. But no console so far seems to be offering enough content to justify investing a small fortune into upgrading to the next gen, which remains to be my biggest issue with the gaming industry as a whole.

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Nintendo's E3 was oddly refreshing, maybe because all the other conferences had stuff with names like Let it Die, which Nintendo countered with slightly more pleasant names like Yoshi's Wooly World. I'm vaguely irritated by how a lot of big stuff ended up in 2015 though. Stuff like Zelda and Xenoblade Chronicles X understandably require a lot of time, but stuff like Mario Maker and the new Yoshi don't seem as labor-intensive. Granted, Yoshi is more love-intensive than anything else, but still =P. Also they managed to sell me on Hyrule Warriors, which I thought would never happen at any time ever.


and I'm more excited about Amiibo than I should be

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I'm pretty sad that there doesn't seem to be more options coming out (soon) for the PS4 at least, granted that's the console I did buy as it's the console most my friend's preordered and the Playstation line tends to have a plethora of games I like... but most of what I'm interested isn't coming out for a while. Though I know Final Fantasy titles are coming, along with Kingdom Hearts, and those are some of the series I tend to binge on when a game for them is released <.<;;


(then again I'm kinda involved wiht games that can hold me over, namely Wildstar and Archeage >.>; )


But I liked Nintendo's showing, it made me partly wish I sprung for a Wii U when I had the money (though, how much of that is huge nostalgia glasses for games like Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. and Zelda idk -- I skipped a Wii U since my family didn't seem interested playing those multiplayer family games, and my friends didn't grab the system and... well, Nintendo's never been fun to play without some friends).

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