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I Am Mortally Crushed...



I just finished the Harry Potter movie series. All eight of them in 3-4 days. I had never watched any of them but the first up until now, so it was quite the experience. Those movies were by far some of the best I have seen in my life. And now I'm left in this limbo sort of state, where I'm incredibly sad I won't be able to see any more movies. I got so attached to the characters, and I wanted to see more. :( I'm depressed.




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Obligatory "Read the books" response.


And there's gonna be another movie in the universe.


Also you're just bummed. You'll get over it.

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Obligatory "Read the books" response.


And there's gonna be another movie in the universe.


Also you're just bummed. You'll get over it.


I'm going to eventually.


But it won't have the same characters. It'll be set 70 years before the events we saw.


Thanks for the encouragement...



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Also you're just bummed. You'll get over it.


Of all the times I've been bummed over things, usually the one thing that was certain to make me sink deeper into it was my father telling me I'll get over it. It's just not a very helpful piece of advice for the bummed and the depressed.


To the blog topic itself, yeah, I know the feeling. A good movie or TV series ends and you just want more. There's always well written fan fiction.

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For some reason I do not understand this feeling. I find a good ending to be satisfying and delightful. 


Also the Harry Potter series is too long. While my old "moral complaints" about "it teaches kids witchcraft oh no do not watch" have fallen by the wayside, I simply do not have time to sit down and read a collection of 700-ish page books when there are so many other media I haven't gotten to I consider to be better. Maybe someday. 

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There's always fanfiction.


Fanfiction: Your one-stop shop for all your alternative ending and canon-breaking shipping needs!

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Obligatory "Read the books" response.


And there's gonna be another movie in the universe.


Also you're just bummed. You'll get over it.


I'm going to eventually.


But it won't have the same characters. It'll be set 70 years before the events we saw.


Thanks for the encouragement...




Wait what. =P

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You can read the books (which I highly, highly recommend), you can read fanfiction by other fans (there are definitely talented HP fan writers out there), you can write fanfiction (fun way to stay creative), you could find a HP Roleplay (which again can be pretty fun, if the people are delightful and the characters are engaging), you could also draw the characters, or your favorite scenes, or even write poetry or music about it or something. They're all fun things to do, and whatever you create doesn't necessarily have to be amazing or wonderful in the eyes of others, it's about enjoying the time creating it (I've written a lot of fanfiction about various series I'd never post, lol). 

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