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How to collab a story

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


Step 1: Work with two other writers to develop characters and world-build for over a year.

Step 2: Give Lewa dialogue and give even more thought than that to determine the correct usage of treespeak.

Step 3: ???

Step 4: Yell angrily at the sky in frustration





~Tekulo <3

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How do you even write as a collaboration? I get that you can put your heads together and develop worlds and characters, but for the actual writing? Does each person take a chapter? How do you reconcile two different writing styles in one story?

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Treespeak doesn't ruin everything...  it's just not always sparkle-pretty to read and possible-ruins the flow of dialogue. 


(No idea if I'm doing it rite)


Well, the three of us discussed that.  We worked to get a general outline for the story, and each of us nitpicked here and there to get to something we all agreed on.  Basically, trial and error is a huge part of the process.


As for the actual writing, we have decided to divvy the chapters up depending on what character the story is following or if someone really wants to write a certain part.  As of right now, we haven't started writing the actual story we want to produce, but instead are coming out with a series of short stories to introduce our universe and characters. 


As each short story is written or outlined, it is first sent to a PM with all collab writers to review and critique.  Basically, if someone has an issue with a part of the story, we call them out on it and force them to change it give suggestions on how they might improve.


I assume the chapter writings will be a similar process.  We were thinking of using a few different styles, such as first person vs third person narration for certain aspects of the story.  That has been done in literature before, however with three minds working on it, it will be interesting to see the result.

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