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A Series Of Read-aloud Questions



Who does make shoes?




Who makes ice-cream?


Haagen Daz.


What did Sam do?




What does a man become when he's knighted?




I know what to do when I grow up. I want to be a fisherman. Why? I want to be a Fisherman's Friend.



What did Taipu say when the Nui-Rama grabbed him?


Lego!!! (Say it fast.)



Why does Apple have a bitten apple as its logo? Microsoft took a bite out of it.


So, when Apple wants an idea, it takes a look out of a Window(s).



The previous school I went to gave us a magazine reading scheme to prep up for the English exams. However, Reader's Digest gave us indigestion; Time took our time away and National Geographic made all of us Geography-enthusiasts instead.



All right, the game ends here. Grab your Wii and go play BH! I've got a lot of work to do, but every once in a while, we'd need a break. My twin sister provided most of these jokes, Dad provided the AppleMicro one and I gave the obvious BionicleLego one (though it was not as good).


If anyone is wiser than the Nutcracker and thinks of a few more brand-jokes, tell me and I'll add them in!


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*Is as much a fan of bad jokes as <deedee>.*

*(Only in secret, of course.)*


Wake up, Sony boy, it's a bright, Sony day! Ha ha ha.



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I gave the obvious BionicleLego one (though it was not as good).

Heh. BionicLego. I like it. And tell your dad that I liked the Apple-Micro one.

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BCii - Whee! Sony-fun!


Nukora - ^_^ Glad to have made your day.


Omi - Aww, you're a spoilsport. You didn't read it aloud! :P



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I like the AppleMicro and the "Lego!!!" one. I like these jokes, because they say things you won't actually get at first, unless you read it out loud. I got this one on a text message years ago...


It's Valentine's Day and a Chinese went to see his girlfriend in the Philippines. Instead of bringing chocolates and flowers, he brought siomay and hopia. When he saw his girfriend, he said, "I give these to you to siomay love to you. Hopia like it." (I give these to you to show my love to you. Hope ya like it.)


You can find what siomay and hopia are in Wikipedia.


I don't think I have a question for brands, but this one would be good...


Uh... Get it? Hopia do. XD

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xccj - Triple 'ha'? Hee. Apple and Microsoft... the battle never ends... :rolleyes:


CA - Kinda do. Though, you have to fake the Filipino accent to hear those words out and realise what they mean. However, those two are familiar words - ahh food! - and the boyfriend was indeed witty.




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