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Clannad Part IV: This is so not cool...

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


Starting with the end of Clannad: The Tomoyo episode was pretty sweet. I actually like her and Sanohara together, but let's face it, that guy should not be dating anyone ever.




I'm up to episode eight. So, to recap...










This is bad, guys... Misae's story was bitter-sweet. I'm surprised too, because I didn't think they would actually do anything with her as a character. Also, I'm kinda glad they actually made her look different from her adolescence and adulthood. It's slight, but she does look more adult than Akio and Sanae. Seriously, put either of those two in a highschool suit and they look the same age as their highschool daughter (They either have really good genes or they had Nagisa when they were really young, geez).


Also, I'm loving the music in this anime. The sad-track always makes me think "Oh, geez, things are getting tragic, aren't they?" I'm not even at the seriously bad stuff yet, and it's getting to me...


Tomoya is still wonderful at pranks, though. When Sunohara asked Akio that question I was convinced that Tomoya is an evil genius (that or a very lucky opportunist).


I'm a bit bummed out that we haven't seen as much of Kyo, Ryo or Kotomi so far. That's also a beef I had with the Tomoyo episode in the first season: they all kinda dropped off the face of the world for that episode. It's not as bad in After Story, but I still think it's apparent.


My biggest problem with After Story, though? The opening and ending songs... I mean, they're just not as good as the first ones. The ending song really gets me, though. It's... it's just not fitting with the stories. I mean, I'll have just watched something really somber and then the song that plays is really upbeat and goofy... It doesn't flow right in my opinion. I miss the dango. That song was fantastic. (I actually sat through the opening and ending themes in the first season almost always, but now I'm skipping over After Story's)




~Tekulo <3


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Well, the reason for several of these characters vanishing goes back to Clannad's origin.  At first, it was a visual novel with multiple endings, a different story path depending on who Tomoya ends up with.  As I understand it, the other characters don't really have as much reason to appear in those routes one you're locked in (I haven't played the game, but it seems logical).


If I recall correctly, Nagisa is the only heroine with an "After Story" arc--everyone else's arcs end with them still in high school.  The anime adapts several of the routes as smaller story arcs (as is usual with these sorts of adaptations), and the Tomoyo episode is based on Tomoyo's ending, but once you get to a certain point, I believe it's all based on Nagisa's After Story route.  Beyond that point, they don't really see much reason to bring the other characters in much at all, with a few exceptions (and another alternate reality episode like the Tomoyo episode).


It's definitely disappointing when you get to care about those other characters, but it does make sense.  This also plays into the issues with the final epsiode, but I'll save that rant.

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Anyway, hoo boy the last episode sounds fuuuuuuun (sarcasm).


I can see why it would be unliked if that's how it ends, but I'll try my best to forget the hours my soul has spent crying in a corner long enough to try and watch it as it's own thing.  (I just got to the part with the engagement, but I'll talk more on that later).


I guess that does make sense, but I guess I think it's just a bit of a waste, you know?  So many interesting characters, and they all kinda sachet off...

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They probably thought the Dango Song was too happy for the series they were planning out. :P


Actually, you shouldn't take the last episode as its own thing--the only chance of making sense of it is in tying it back in with things that have been going on in the rest of the series.  But, again, you'll get to that.


Yeah, I know what you mean.  We needed much more Kotomi.  I guess the writers figured that the viewers can always play the visual novel to get more of the other characters, but that doesn't exactly help those of us who live in a region where said game has not been released...

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