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Legend of WHAT

Pahrak Model ZX


Okay, so they put the Korra Book 3 finale up early, and I watched it, and oh my gosh




When the airbender decoys melted, I thought we were somehow going End of Eva, and I panicked a little. That was a terrifying experience I have no desire to relive.


Oh yeah, and then there's P'LI'S HEAD GETTING BLOWN UP?!?! I mean yeah we saw Combustion Man blow himself up back in the day, but this is somehow way more messed up. And that's not even counting the whole "Zaheer's girlfriend died so he could unlock his true power" thing, which *grumble grumble grumble*.


I now believe more strongly than ever that Zaheer is the reincarnation of Guru Laghima. I don't expect they'll explicitly confirm or deny this, though, so it's really more of a headcanon.


Oh, wait a minute, that captain...Kuvira? You don't just introduce a new named character (and draw so much attention to it) unless something's up. Could she be...the Book 4 villain?!


BOLIN LAVABENDING YES. Someone proposed the theory a while back and I've been hoping for it ever since. Now lavabending will actually stick around for Book 4!


I honestly think Korra shouting, "WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE NONE OF YOU WILL SURVIVE!" probably makes the whole switch to digital worth it. Murderous rage in our beloved protagonist! Though that got seriously messed up. The hallucinations of past villains was, like...whoa. I bet someone is now sending around screenshots of hallucination-Vaatu and telling people "look vaatu back lol". Those trolls...!


Not gonna lie, kinda disappointed that the plan was "kill the Avatar." Since they at one point wanted to capture and train Korra, I'm guessing this was not the original plan and they're just adapting now that they know Korra won't side with them, but still...eh.


Kind of ironic that Ming-Hua was killed (?) by lightning, considering who voices her.


Korra vs Zaheer is probably the best fight in LoK thus far. I'd put it up there with Aang vs Ozai, really. How will they top it in Book 4...?!


MASTER JINORA!! And the Air Nomads wandering the earth to defend love and justice and all that good stuff! No I'm not crying, I just have a little Korrasami in my eye...


We also get a little more foreshadowing, which is nice. Zaheer is still alive, if in prison, there are probably still more Red Lotus members out there, and the Earth Kingdom is still in anarchy. Assuming this all actually leads to something, it looks like Book 4 really will be connected, which is what I've been dreaming of! Really, since we're told Unalaq was part of the Red Lotus, that means they might be the villains for 3 out of 4 Korra Books (though Unalaq being Red Lotus sorta makes it via retcon, but I'll go with it). I'll probably put together a proper "Book 4 Wishlist" later.


tl;dr Book 3 had its flaws but it was pretty awesome, I forgive them for Book 2 now




*lies down until emotions pass*

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Wait... That killed her? I guess I didn't catch that. As much as we can complain about it, it makes sense, the same thing happened in ATLA with Aang. And the opposite thing happened when he lost Appa and he lost most of his rational thinking. And it's not like everything had gone to his plan up until that. I mean, maybe not the best thing to do, but it's not unexpected or thrown in is what I'm trying to say. Though his apparent lack of grief of any kind is odd. Maybe that's why I missed it.





I don't think the switch to digital had much affect, it still has to be appropriate for kids if it's streaming on a nick related service. and I'm nearly positive that the decision was made after the season was finished, or they probably would have stopped it altogether.


I also liked how the villains used non-traditional bending while fighting. It made for some nice scenes.


Also, I'm not sure what they expected to happen when they put Korra in the Avatar State. That seems like a terribly bad idea. And it wasn't to kill her. It was to eradicate everything She stood for as the avatar. You kill the avatar and You have to deal with another one. You eradicate everything the avatar is and in the processes destroy the avatar and her ability to come back and that's much more severe.


And do we know specifically that Amon wasn't red lotus? It would make a lot of sense if he was.


Edit: I just saw the scene with sparky boom lady. Holy ######. That's awful. And ironic but mostly awful. How did I miss that?



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I just saw the scene with sparky boom lady. Holy ######. That's awful. And ironic but mostly awful. How did I miss that?


I put that up to bad editing. Showing her head encased in metal and then cutting to a different location without showing the affect made it seem as if there wasn't one. But the implication was there.


Not gonna lie, kinda disappointed that the plan was "kill the Avatar."


Well their plan was to destroy all leaders and create anarchy. Really I'm not sure what else you were expecting them to do.


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