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Korra Season Three Finale



Spoiler: It was good. I was kinda annoyed cause I saw other blog entries pop up while I was at work and I couldn't watch this until the afternoon... but I guess that's what you get for being a responsible adult, can't watch cartoons whenever.



Man, Bolin really stepped it up. Even before the lava bending, he was like single handedly taking care of their escape from the temple. I was thinking he'd do some last minute metal bending, but hey maybe there's still an opportunity for that down the line. (He hasn't met Toph yet, so maybe he learns it there) But he's totally my favorite character, and this season he didn't act like an cool dude as much!


And Mako reminds us that he can still fight. I mean, he's been in the midst of most battles, but it hasn't been since season one that he pulled off a nice upset like he did here with water-arm lady. And I was wondering when they'd use electricity against her; seems like one trick that might be more effective against her than normal. I was kind of hoping that Asami would ambush and zap her, but having Mako use lightning again works too. (I don't think he's used it since the first season?) Also Asami was great this season, being the more technical person, but I'm upset that she's mostly sat out the big fights in the last two seasons. Yeah, she wouldn't do well in a big bending showdown, but why not have her use some invention to give her an edge, moreso than just the electric glove.


The big fight between Zahear and Korra in the end was very reminiscent of Aang's battle against the Fire Lord. But, I dunno, the whole "majestic" bending bit just didn't seem as good to me compared to what Bolin and Mako went through. Personal preference, I guess. Either way, an interesting ending, and I can't wait to see where Season 4 goes.


Also, why does Zuko always seem to look angry? It's not just his eye; it's his whole facial expression in general.




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Also, why does Zuko always seem to look angry? It's not just his eye; it's his whole facial expression in general.


Did you not see ATLA? He was pretty much always like that.

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Eh, maybe it just feels more defined here, plus in ATLA he usually had legit reasons for looking angry.  I mean, in the one episode of Korra he was like "Hey nice to meet you, I am going to angrily glare in your general direction."  Tho I did appreciate his look of surprise when Korra mentioned Iroh.



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I would probably be more concerned if he wasn't stern and cynical. Plus he's like what... 85 or 90? I think he's earned the right to be a brooding old man at that point.

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I think Mako using lightning again symbolizes how he's finally gotten his act together. Remember back in ATLA, how Zuko couldn't bend lightning due to all his emotional turmoil? Mako could bend lightning right off the bat, when he was in stoic older brother mode—but the emotional turmoil he experienced as a result of breaking up with Asami and then Korra (manifesting in his awkwardness around them all season) seems to have hampered his ability to do so. He specifically seemed to have snapped out of it when Korra hugged him before they went their separate ways, reminding him that even if they were terrible for each other romantically they were still close friends and his past mistakes didn't change that.

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Except Mako's firebending ability has not been hampered at all, and he's held his own moderately well in various fights and stuff (he especially showed off some skills when he chased Kai onto the train.)  I think it's more that the writers just kinda forgot he could use lightning until the last episode.  :shrugs:  And awkward relation stuff != turning against everything you believe in, ala Zuko.



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