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Element Lord of Milk


I just discovered the magic of it.


Yesterday I watched Titan A.E for the first time in years, it being one of my favourite movies as a kid. I forgot how violent it was, like a dude gets his neck snapped and then thrown down a flight of stairs on screen, another guy gets vapourized into green goo, and there's at least three or four scenes with Human blood.


Also, I didn't realize how existentially horrifying it was as a kid, I mean, the Earth and moon get completely destroyed in the opening scenes and characters repeatedly mention humanity approaching extinction.

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My sister recently got Netflix and all I've found is that it is incredibly underwhelming. The only thing I've found to watch was Clone Wars because I only saw the first two seasons originally.

Takuma Nuva

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it has like a million hellraiser movies and donnie darko and heathers (and the langoliers, a guilty pleasure of mine) for which i will be eternally grateful but i've recently stopped using netflix in favor of hulu plus because of the ridiculous anime library they have there


imo having netflix and hulu plus together is far superior to actually having cable or satellite tv or whatever. streaming is the future of television, or at least orange is the new black, arrested development, and house of cards lead me to believe.

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