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Nikira Lies!



Well... In this case. So here is how it all went down. (?) For no apparent reason, I was randomly looking through her blog when I found this in a conversation about Omi's hair and how much it rocks:


He's a guy, for goodness sake. Guys have egos.



It's a guy thing, egos. It's an essential part of life for them.




Well, one could say that that's more of a stereotype than a lie, but it is one none the less! I'm perfect proof! I mean, I'm a guy and... Well, I have flaws... a lot of them... One of which having a horrible self-esteem... I'll just leave it at that... Ellipses...


But it's okay, she is a great drawer and that more than makes up for a small lie... right?



And now my grean tea is done boiling... Yoink! *Dashes off*


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Wasn't Ego the pet parrot of the sultan's evil advisor in Aladdin?


~Po~ drinks tea! And tea is good. Except when you accidentally drop five graham crackers into it, because I don't think it still counts as tea after that...




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Yeah like in the pics of urself topics all the girls are like "Heres me im so ugly" and all the guys are like "heres me im so hot"

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The only thing hot about me is my face... I have an awesome face... and hair... Girls just don't know how to appreciate themselves... In my opinion (watch me get beaten to death by any girls who visit this Blog...)

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Something about the first part of Macku's post scares me... <Ignore that, for it could be misconstrued... Iago was the best character in Aladdin next to Genie...
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Sorry, I was coming to your rescue. :P


Have you ever read Shakespeare's "Othello"? Great play. I saw it performed live. Bodies, all over the stage.

I've never seen it performed but I have read it before... Shakespeare was one strange person... And Iago was a very well built character as vile and a disgusting person as he was, he was extraordinarily smart and besides, all he did was give people ideas, he never really did anything... Yes he did... :P

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O_o? I crack my knuckles for fun...
*pops knuckles*




Wait, wrong thing...


*tries to be funny*



-the sz ihs an stuf leik tht-


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*Gasp!* I pop mine, too! But Mom says it's annoying, so I don't.


I've never seen it performed, but since Mom has, I'll pretend I have and quote her. There were bodies all over the stage, and...




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Aaaahhh! Bad stereotype! :fear: I'm doomed. Yayz and stuff! :) Why can't I stay on topic for more than a sentence? :???: I like to bite the inside of my cheeks too! I like to pop my knuckles, also! Chewing off my nails is even better! :happydance:

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