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Decided + Life Update

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


Anyway, seeing as I have literally raised every starter in every pokemon game five times over by now (or something like that), I have decided that my starter for Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire shall be a Cleffa of my choosing (trying to Masuda method these things and I'm on my third box. One of them's bound to have good stats) and a lvl 5 Milotic. This shall be done through Pokemon Bank with the hope that I can reuse this method. (I restarted my Pokemon X version and started with a growlith and a togepi. BEST. STARTERS. EVER.) I raised this Milotic( her name is Midori)'s sibling, Akai, to lvl 100 in Black 2. She's one of my bestest fighters, so now I shall raise Midori and have an unstoppable Milotic empire! Or, you know, a fun team for online battles. Not competitions, though. I want to have fun with my video games. =P


Only, you know, here's hoping Omega/Alpha's story is actually enjoyable this time! 8D (I played through X/Y's story over three times now... I cannot put up with that stupid, un-fairy tale, pathetic story EVER AGAIN EVER! D8< )


Digressing is fun.


Speaking of which, I had a Gravity Falls marathon today. Not through season one yet, but it's right down my ally! I like all of the characters thus far. They really do a good job at having creepy scenes. It's even better when someone immediately breaks the mood. XD I think it has a good formula set up, although I wonder if the entire story will take place in just one summer. The Halloween episode was fantastic about that, so no complaints whatever they decide.


In other news, my hair is now long enough to put back into a warrior's bun. It sits on the top of my head and I can't decide if it's adorable or if I look like a total dweeb. It's most likely the second one, so I'll wear a fedora when I want to go out (which will most likely be the case because it looks socially acceptable and this way I get to wear a blue fedora... Man, I really need a bowler hat or something more ridiculous). Anyway, I forgot what it was like to have my bangs not totally invade my face all the time. I missed this way more than I should.


In news unrelated to the previous one, I repaid my student loans in full! It left a giant hole in my bank account... Yaaaaaay! 8D


Anyway, just keeping a sort of journal about my life thus far in this here blag. Heck, I'll probably look back on my blog in a few years and laugh and laugh or sob extensively in a corner and punch myself in the face. Perspective is fun.


Yeah, adult life is kinda boring. Glad I have nerdy interests to preoccupy myself until I wake up in like fifty years or something and I die. (Yeah... being alive as a human kinda takes a while...).




~Melon Lord <3


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Having a job in your field plus not paying rent helps a bunch. Besides, it's not like I went to grad school or anything. My goal in all this is to save money for a few years and then move to where I can advance my career. Basically I'll be applying everywhere down the road and then uproot my life completely. Yaaaaaaay, life.

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