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A Thought



What happens if BIONICLE ends up as a revolving door of starting-stopping-restarting-stopping-restarting-stopping-restarting-stopping? I imagine it'll be like this


2001-2010 BIONICLE (First Generation - fondly remembered by nostalgic and not-so-nostalgic fans as the generation that defined and 'stayed true' to BIONICLE while not disregarding its own canon)

2015-2020: BIONICLE (Second Generation - will be divisive, probable rebott)

2024-2027 BIONICLE (Third Generation - in space! Space Matoran. Toa of Space. Continuation... of both previous generations. Turns out they existed in the same universe on different planets. )

2033-2034 BIONICLE (Fourth Generation - least successful generation. Consisted entirely of something not unlike Bohrok-Kal-Kal and Bohrok-Kal-Kal-Kal. Continuation focusing on the Bohrok entirely.)

2040-2059 ELCINOIB (Fifth Generation - most successful generation. Perceived as new, fresh reboot. Was actually BIONICLE and a continuation in disguise, learnt from the amazing revelation in 2047 that Taksau was actually Atakus, the first cyborg agori in space, and also the first great being by use of the Legendary Mask of Time Travel, who tried to hide in Spherus Magna but accidentally ended up creating Mata Nui and the Matoran Universe. One more year and it would have revealed that no, it wasn't a continuation, it was still a reboot.)

2073-2100 and beyond Biological Chronicles of the Slizers who used the Throwbots to built the Hero Factory (Sixth generation - current. Unification of themes. Continuation of all themes. Conflict between the Toa and the Slizers, Hero Factory and its associates want to insert a dictatorship over Spherus Magna. Gets too political for its own good in the 22nd century.)


Far Future - CYBONICLE - Cybernetic Chronicle. (Exactly the same as BIONICLE, just that cybernetics explain everything and everyone is a cyborg and was originally fully organic with the inhabitants of the equivalent of the Matoran Universe being more cybernetic than organic, vice versa for Spherus Magnans.

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Somewhere between 2050 and 2116, I'd assume, with so much death and needless plot twists, along with too many characters and Makuta being much more successful.

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The musical comes out alongside the sets with music bricks incorporated into their build, the music bricks playing songs from said musical

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