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How does this get 13 upvotes?



When my blood cells grow brains and start attacking, I will blame myself for my not paying attention to their need for honor and respect.


* * *

But alas, that's only the beginning.

When my blood cells grow brains and start attacking, I will blame myself for my not paying attention to their need for honor and respect.

I think this is the first time in my life I've ever agreed with or laughed at something you posted. It's kind of an icky feeling, but here we are.




When my blood cells grow brains and start attacking, I will blame myself for my not paying attention to their need for honor and respect.



Mata Nui's job wasn't to make sure everything was fine and dandy inside. He was supposed to visit new worlds, which is exactly what he did.


The second post is exactly how I meant for the post to be interpreted as. As a straight absurd statement - yes, if my blood cells did go sapient, I would pay attention, yes? To do so would be the only sane course of action.


But expecting them to go sapient is absurd. We have studied blood cells and have calculated that they do not have enough mental faculties to stage a rebellion. Even in the absence of that fact, I would be ill-advised to think that they would do so anyway, since there are no signs of doing so.


Apparently, though, it can be interpreted as passive-aggressive sarcasm, implying the exact opposite of the above. And some people find that funny.


I don't. I fell out of a tree about 6 years ago and landed on my back. Ever since then, I have had phantom pains in my neck, because of the whiplash, felt like I was sleepy and like my brain wasn't up to tasks even when it is/was. I feel worse than what my body truly is like.


I just figured that out last week. It's not funny when you find out that your nerves have been lying to you for 6 years. (I probably need to see a doctor for this now, probably to check that something else wasn't damaged. But since I've lived with it for 6 years, I'm probably not going to die or anything.)


Our bodies are something we take for granted. It's not funny when your body betrays you and kicks you out of itself. I don't know how you find that funny, but I sure don't. Maybe I should have chosen nerve cells instead of red blood cells, since listening to your nerves is a much more plausible scenario than listening to RBCs, but that's what I get for trying to be witty except not.


* * *


I have to admit though, the above reveal plus having a bunch of programming to do results in a lot of ferocity from me, which appears to read as negative emotional energy here. Apparently quitting Bionifight Ultimate: Drift Force was a very bad idea under these circumstances. :P (Count me in for rounds 7-9! Yeah!)


My imagination is also suffering a bit from being suppressed, which can drive me crazy. Like flapping my arms and saying-completely-random-stuff crazy. Obviously I need to be a writer, mentally, lest the entire world suffer. Fortunately, I have busted this illusion, which puts me two miles ahead on the road.


Now I just need to finish this stuff without saying something too random and insane for the moderators during the intrim.

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Wait, was your original post not supposed to be humorous?  Because what you said is correct (and I don't think either of the people in that thread disagreed with you), but you phrased it in a funny way.

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Wait, was your original post not supposed to be humorous?  Because what you said is correct (and I don't think either of the people in that thread disagreed with you), but you phrased it in a funny way.

It wasn't supposed to be a joke. 

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Don't let yourself get offended by people interpreting sarcasm as a joke. I'd be more concerned with the blatant antagonism and belligerence in that post.



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I'm not offended by people interpreting sarcasm as a joke. I'm disturbed by the idea that people on BZPower approve of such blatant antagonism and belligerence. :P 

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The fact that that guy's response to you got so many upvotes while being so rude just baffles me, honestly. That's the internet for you, I guess.

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I don't view it as rude as much "I thought I didn't like you at all, but now I have to concede that I like you a little bit, even if it was just for the fact you made that post."
And in previous days, that could have been an icky feeling.
Mostly, these days I expect everyone to have things they like and dislike about everyone, including myself, which avoids that. In general, I even have aspects of people who are antagonistic to me that I tend to like, and even people I like I have aspects about them that I dislike. I find it important to be honest with myself about these things, and avoid throwing blanket support or disdain at someone without being open to other things that could tip the scales later. Learned the hard way at least three times over!

I'm not offended by people interpreting sarcasm as a joke. I'm disturbed by the idea that people on BZPower approve of such blatant antagonism and belligerence. :P

^ referring to my original post, not Ty's post. Geesh, my brain is out this week, seriously.

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