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Gravity Falls Theories

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


Quick note here, guys; this entry is all about the plausible identity of the author of the notebooks in Gravity Falls. If you dont like speculation or haven't seen any episodes in this show, then this entry is not for you. Discussion of seasons one and two will be present here. Please be caught up before proceeding.


So, because I'm a fan of theories for stuff I dork out about, I've decided to share some thoughts about the mysterious author. Let's start with what's known.


The author is male. This is known from the shape shifter in season two. The shifter used male pronouns when mentioning the author.


The author is old. Dipper's journal shows signs of aging. Most of the technology they find from the author is coated in dust and cobwebs including his fallout shelter. We know at least 30 years have passed since he was last active.


The author is likely alive and possibly senile. "That old fool hasn't been himself in 30 years." -Shapeshifter


The author naturally has six fingers, most likely on both of his hands. While the left hand is most prominently shown on the journals, there was also a right handed symbol above Bill in Dreamscapers. Both hands have been depicted with six fingers, and this is a show that pays close attention to detail for tons of stuff. I doubt it was a mistake.


The author was an inventor. He had a freezing machine set up in his fallout shelter along with a booby trap, decontamination chamber, laptop (possibly before portable computers were invented), secret compartments in trees, etc. This dude was smart and knew how to make stuff.


So then, who does this exclude? Quite a few members of the cast as none of them have six fingers (as far as we know) and many of them don't seem to be the proper age as Grunkle Stan is one of the oldest characters (and he isn't the author as he went out of his way searching for the journals). I had a thought (while talking to my brother) that the author may have been Soos' grandfather. This is unlikely as the author is most likely still alive, and his grandfather has passed. It would've been awesome, though. XD


Now, the most likely candidate is Old Man McGucket according to my deductions. He's old enough that he fits the age criteria. He's skilled enough in engineering that he matches the author's inventions. He certainly fits the shapeshifter's description as a "fool that hasn't been himself in thirty years."


The only criteria that doesn't match is that he has only five fingers on each hand. Sure, one hand is wrapped in bandages, but that's his right hand and not his left. Even if the author only had six fingers on one hand, it still doesn't fit as the majority of the symbols have been of a left hand. (Unless this is a lie).


I think the only other alternative is that the author is a character not yet introduced, which is possible but not nearly as cool. That or I'm totally ignoring another candidate here.


Now that that's out of the way, let's talk about Grunkle and why he's so interested in the journals. He started selling vaacums and ended up in prison for a while before coming to Gravity Falls. His main motivation thus far has been money and not intellectual endeavors. He doesn't seem to have pursued a higher education. When they stumbled onto dinosaurs trapped in amber, his first instinct was to turn it into an attraction and not send them to be studied or gain scientific fame. This leads me to believe he has a much more personal stake in the notebooks and the portal. One fan theory is that he had a twin. No evidence has been shown of this, but it would fit with the overall theme of the show. The portal was revealed to connect to infinite worlds thus altering mankind's understanding of the universe. Whatever is driving Stan to unravel these mysteries, it's definitely something he finds important. I honestly don't think money is his endgame for this. If he wanted an attraction, a mysterious portal under the shack is a good candidate. Also, even while the portal was incomplete, it could have made a decent attraction. This is something he goes out of his way to keep secret, so there has to be more to his story.


Also, Stan is their great uncle, meaning he is a sibling to one of Mabel and Dipper's grandparents. Stan has at least one sibling. The twin theory is more than possible.


As for the Mystery Shack, I believe it used to be the home of the author. The portal's machinery matches the style of those found in the bunker and in the woods where Dipper found the journal. Not only that, but Stan put on a six-fingered glove. I believe this was left by the author.




~Melon Lord <3


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Stan said he'd been working on the machine for 30 years in Scaryoke. The same time the Author went insane... Coincidence? I think NOT!

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