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Why is everything a controversy now



Grammar. Seriously? That's the new topic?


Look, I am a grammar snob. I look a word up to make sure I have its spelling right even if I can spell it phonetically close enough to get the meaning across, because I value proper spelling. I go back and edit posts if I forgot an apostrophe or a comma or something. I had perfect 100's in every single english course I took from 7th grade onward, including college. The lowest I've had a paper graded was 93%. I was cheering in my head for every single line of "Word Crimes". I am far more dedicated to this stuff than someone not majoring in english should be. I don't correct other people, and I don't look down on people for grammatical errors, but i do get very annoyed when people write like this without any capitalization and dont use apostrophes and all that and it just reads like an incoherent rambling run on sentence and i have less respect for people that use literal for emphasis or say other stupid things of similar fashion. I have my position in this debate, I am firm in it, and you will never catch me writing like that, even on twitter; I'd rather break it into multiple tweets than post something saying "had 2 rn 2 get fud" to fit it into one tweet. I am as firm about this as it can get for myself.


But here's the kicker:




This is not some great crusade or some vital topic. It's grammar. On an internet forum. Centered around a children's toy. It is not worth long diatribes that even an english professor would consider obsessively defending proper writing. For that matter, why are people defending "improper", for lack of a better term, writing, like they've been dealt a personal insult? Is it really so hard to just go "This person thinks X about Z. I think Y about Z. Ultimately, Z is a pretty insignificant thing." and just ignore it instead of turning around and defending your use of "your" instead of "you're"?


If people have an opinion on the subject that you disagree with, why do you care so much? Nobody's going to report you for saying 10,000 spoons is ironic, and they're certainly not going to report you for using an oxford comma. Are you all really wound so tight that this sets you off? Maybe I'm missing some context that happened in one of the forums or something similar, but it just reeks of a community where everyone is at each other's throats if people are so ready to get mad about something this insignificant.


Chill the heck out. This is not something worth fussing so much over.


All that said though, i dO MakE An ExCEptiON WiTh PeopLE ThAT tYPe lIKe tHiS. That sort of typing genuinely gives me a very unpleasant headache, and as such I disregard anything you have to say if you type like that, because if you're addressing me specifically yet are typing in a fashion that causes me physical pain - and one that has to be done intentionally - then I really don't think I should concern myself with what you have to say.

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I don't think the 'controversy' is as insignificant. The main concern is that many of us (and I include myself), are certainly sticklers for correct grammar.


However, in our assumptions of correct grammar, it is assumed that those who speak to us have the same education and abilities as us. We neglect to think that maybe they didn't have that good of schooling, or read as many books as we did, or can't process words and letters like we do.


So it's not so much a controversy, as a chance to see another side we don't often consider, and an opportunity to expand our view on the world and realize that we still have some privilege we must remember, and lessons still to be learned.

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I don't even know what caused all this. I think it's an interesting debate and all (as someone raised among grammarians but also someone who's acutely aware of the difficulties spelling and grammar can pose for those with learning disabilities). But as to why people started talking about it in the first place, I have no clue.

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I don't even know what caused all this. I think it's an interesting debate and all (as someone raised among grammarians but also someone who's acutely aware of the difficulties spelling and grammar can pose for those with learning disabilities). But as to why people started talking about it in the first place, I have no clue.

Someone corrected someone else and then it led to an exchange of opinions on that occurrence that spread out into the length of topics from there. I don't really see any controversy going on. It'd be a controversy if someone corrected someone else and then got banned for it :P

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to be fair i haven't seen many people at others' throats? i've seen some people point out usage of terms like "ignorant" and "lazy" and "spiteful" and "Grammar Nazi" make them feel uncomfortable/personally insulted due to the manner in which the original person chose to convey their thoughts, and have seen many people defending "improper" writing on the basis that it's easier and comes to them more quickly and provides a more casual tone they want to convey (or that people who use improper writing may have difficulties in some manner, or not have English as a first language and not be aware of the thousands of grammatical rules, etc...)


i haven't seen anyone going on a crusade about how anyone who uses proper grammar sucks, or vice-versa (unless i missed something?) but i have seen discussion on it and some people pointing out terms that one would better do without when trying to make a claim


in the end i mostly see "it's not invalid to use improper writing" and "it's kind of a jerk move to call out people on their grammar/spelling and think less of them" unless like, i missed something, somewhere?

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^Edit: Maybe I'm just reading them weird, the tone seems much more angry and defensive than that to me.


I don't think the 'controversy' is as insignificant. The main concern is that many of us (and I include myself), are certainly sticklers for correct grammar.


However, in our assumptions of correct grammar, it is assumed that those who speak to us have the same education and abilities as us. We neglect to think that maybe they didn't have that good of schooling, or read as many books as we did, or can't process words and letters like we do.


So it's not so much a controversy, as a chance to see another side we don't often consider, and an opportunity to expand our view on the world and realize that we still have some privilege we must remember, and lessons still to be learned.


Except with the vast majority of entries on the subject that I've seen where people defend "improper" grammar, it's not "This is how I was taught to speak, this is what I understand", it's "I do this because it's convenient and easier". Which is completely fine, but it's not something this big.

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I wouldn't say cutthroat, more of passive aggressive. I was paraphrasing, the actual messages, at least to me, seem much more defensive and sound much more like they're looking for an argument.

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i haven't seen much of that besides for people bluntly saying terms like "Grammar Nazi" and the aforementioned terms i highlighted weren't appropriate terms to use... which i agree with, either way

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I feel like this is a thing on basically all Internet forums and isn't unique to BZP. I think I've seen people get nitpicky about grammar enough times that it doesn't phase me anymore. :P


I'm not gonna try and use perfect grammar everywhere on the Internet because I have to do that enough for essays/midterms and I'd like a break once in a while. :P Yes, I think when you're have a discussion or something being coherent is important but that does not always mean being grammatically correct.

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