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Tahu and Pohatu — In The Plastic (Kinda)



There was a moment tonight, at the Lego Store Event, when the Bionicle folks said "anything you build tonight you can take home." Deevee's face lit up and all of us made a mad dash for the pieces bin. Some people built part hogs (I have never seen so many ball joints on a technic axle before), some built multi-armed multi-weaponed multi-headed beings, I... well, I did this:




I even added gear functionality!


I wasn't near the actual sets, hence some of the not-rightness in comparison to the pictures that went up, but hey. They look right to me and I saved myself ~$35.


(Will probably buy them anyway)


In any case, I'm stoked for the sets; they have a lot of personality (they all have different silhouettes! It's wonderful!). The throwback story wise is a lot of fun and I'm hesitant to let some things go, but hey.

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*is jealous* *especially for the boomerangs*


Wait, is Pohatu supposed to have trans yellow or trans neon green??



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I feel like the size and shape of these reflect the characters themselves pretty well.


Like, I look and I know they're Tahu and Pohatu. Unlike their 2008 versions.

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