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...oh, niiice

Taka Nuvia


I really like the way the new sets look; they all appear quite solid in design. :) Now back to arguing with siblings who buys which sets! xD Kidding.


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Glad you like them! I can't wait to see how some of them look in your distinctive art style!

I've seen them all in person and own a figure built with many of the new parts so if you have any questions feel free to PM me. :)

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I've had no qualms with Hero Factory (though after the first two lines I dropped out of buying them), so the similarities don't bother me. I do kinda wish they were a bit more varied and true to Bionicle though. They look a bit too robotic. But eh, I'll buy them if I have the cash. X3

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I've had no qualms with Hero Factory (though after the first two lines I dropped out of buying them), so the similarities don't bother me. I do kinda wish they were a bit more varied and true to Bionicle though. They look a bit too robotic. But eh, I'll buy them if I have the cash. X3

I don't see how they're more robotic-looking than classic BIONICLE. Just robotic in kind of a different way. A little less of the classic piston and framework motifs that characterized parts like the Toa Mata torso, and a little more smooth, solid plate armor.


I almost think that the CCBS works better for organic or biomechanical characters than BIONICLE parts did. In classic BIONICLE, few were the parts that DIDN'T look overtly mechanical (some of the most organic-looking parts were the armor shells and head pieces introduced for the Barraki in 2007). Many parts like the Piraka torso, Vahki lower leg beam, and Toa Hordika torso beam had gaps going all the way through them, making it hard to imagine an organic body underneath.


But with the CCBS, a lot of the parts are streamlined enough to resemble form-fitting clothing or armor on an organic body. This especially stands out when you look at what the designers did to set these sets apart from Hero Factory and make them more like classic BIONICLE. It wasn't organic shapes and details that they added, but rather mechanical details like hinges and pistons. Because that mechanical detail is what the CCBS had previously lacked.

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