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When my teacher asked me why a term after a series of 'and's was single instead of plural, I didn't know what to say.


When it came to English, I was bred to write by the feel of it. I felt the word being wrong or right, and then taking the necessary action to make it right.


But I wasn't able to find a word to say it. Of course, a third grader in elementary school would not be able to say such a word.


So, all I could tell was the teacher was: "I know it's right. I can feel it!"


But today, I finally found that word, which means that it felt linguistically right.





So if the English teacher dared to ask you why you used that word, and something in you is telling you vehemently that there's no better reason other than it's right, just say that it was sprachgefuhl.


She'd love you for it.


*runs back to homework*


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Ahh, yes, sprachgefuhl. A most fun thing (look, I'm using it right there, using "fun" as an adjective!) to use, though it can gain one odd looks if used to eschew grammar... ^_^
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It's real, Omi. Otherwise Merriam Webster is playing a trick on me. And I taught Omi a new trick! :P


ToM, hee! (Yes, we understand grammar/language jokes) and, why, the odd look is one of the fun-est (haha!) expressions anyone can give you! It makes your day a whole lot happier!





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Omi... when on earth did you get interested in unicorns looking for candy?


Nooo! They must nevers get precioussss!



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Omi... when on earth did you get interested in unicorns looking for candy?

Ever since I found the map and got my kidney stolen.



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Omi... when on earth did you get interested in unicorns looking for candy?

Ever since I found the map and got my kidney stolen.








We're on a bridge Omi!


Okay, I'm done with spamming your blog. I'M DONE! IT'S OVER!


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Ahh, sprachgefuhl. A word I fondly remember from my days as a 'professional' speller. Sprachgefuhl was the final word on the 79th Scripps written spelling test, and I have used it since. I tend to use it to mess with grammar - a right I already have as Thomas's co-sovereign, but much more fun to use when you say something completely wrong and someone calls you on it. You just say, "Hey man. That's my sprachgefuhl." And no one's the wiser!


Something else I like to use once in a while is the phrase, "I hereby denote you as an implied redundancy of the third kind." Doesn't really mean anything in particular ... just confusing.

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