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BZPower is likely going to be older than many of the fans of the new incarnation of BIONICLE.


It will have existed for their entire lifetimes. Of course, if they do a search for BIONICLE... won't it get a bit confusing with the old incarnation and the new incarnation?


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That's what we are here for: make sure they aren't turned off by the glut of info from the old days, and be good curators that keep old and new from being confused. Right?

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I seriously do not understand why people think it would be confusing. This is NOT anything new to toys.


Transformers. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. My Little Pony. All very popular franchises right now, all with multiple incarnations in the past.


Nothing makes Bionicle somehow special.

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Considering we lost the BZP archives, they don't have nearly enough stuff out there to confuse them as there could've been.



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Considering we lost the BZP archives, they don't have nearly enough stuff out there to confuse them as there could've been.



There is still all the old news stories, though. Admittedly, it's harder to stumble on those.
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I'm sure Bionicle.com is gonna be a really good hub of information and content for all the kiddies, so it'd be hard to be completely confused with that big beacon of "this is the current and new thing"

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It's certainly a challenge, and I'm interested in seeing how BZP deals with it. BZP obviously has a large enough member population to sustain it regardless, but it'll be fun to see new people coming in, and hopefully being interested in the old version as well.
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I imagine it might be confusing at first for some fans, but as other people have pointed out, it's nothing successful toy franchises haven't dealt with before.

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